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(1) 2014.04至今 bet365官网电气bet365官网与信息工程学院,超导电力技术,教授,博士生导师

(2) 2001.11-2014.03北京云电英纳超导电力技术有限公司,超导电力技术,教授级高级工程师,博士后导师

(3) 1991.06-2001.10美国Midwest Superconductivity, Inc.,超导材料,高级研究员

(4) 1983.07-1987.09东北大学,物理,助教


(1) 高温超导材料

(2) 超导限流器

(3) 超导电缆

(4) 超导磁悬浮轨道交通

(5) 超导储能


(1) 2017.01-至今 国家自然科学基金面上项目“可再生能源电网超导限流器应用研究(51677131)”,项目负责人

(2) 2014.01-至今 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)“500 kV大容量超导限流器样机研制(2014AA032705)”,设备研制组首席专家

(3) 2009.10-2012.12 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) “超导限流器新型高压部件及控制系统(2009AA035403)”,技术负责人

(4) 2006.07-2009.12 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) “220kV/800A高温超导限流器的研究与开发(2006AA03Z234)”,课题组长

(5) 2005.07-2009.12 天津市科技创新专项“超导限流器(05FZZDGX00700)”,项目负责人

(6) 2005.07-2009.12 云南省科技攻关计划项目“超导限流器的研制和挂网运行(2005GG07)”,项目负责人

(7) 2005.07-2007.12 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) “三相交流高温超导电缆系统的进一步完善及并网运行试验(2005AA306120)”,课题组长

(8) 2003.01-2004.12 云南省省院省校合作计划项目“30米高温超导电缆研制及并网运行工程性试验(2003BABCA05A041)”,项目负责人

(9) 2002.07-2004.12 北京市重大科技计划项目“30米35kV/2kA高温超导电缆研发及产业化示范(H020420010210)”,项目负责人

(10) 2002.01-2004.12 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)“三相交流高温超导电缆的研制及并网运行试验(2002AA306154、2004AA306110)”,课题组长



(1) Y.Xin, Z.Z.Sheng, F.T.Chan, P.C.W.Fung, and K.W.Wong,Optimum Fabrication Process and Some Relevant Analysis for the Vanadium-Lead Double Substituted 2223 Supercondu-cting Ceramics,Solid State Commun.76(1990) 1347.

(2) Z.Z.Sheng, Y.Xin, and J.M.Meason, and L.A.Burchfield,Superconductivity above 100K in Ca-free Tl-Pb-Sr-Pr-Cu-O System,Physica C172(1990) 43.

(3) Y.Xin and Z.Z.Sheng,Study on Zn-, Cd-, or Hg-addition into TlBaCuO,J. Appl. Phys.68(1990) 5289.

(4) Y.Xin, Z.Z.Sheng, F.T.Chan, P.C.W.Fung, and K.W.Wong,Vanadium?Lead Substi-tuted 2223 Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductors,Solid State Commun.76(1990) 1251.

(5) Xin Fei, D.F.Lu, G.F.Sun, K.W.Wong, F.T.Chan, Z.Z.Sheng, Y.Xin, P.C.W.Fung, C.C.Lam, W.Y.Ching, and Y.Xu,Double Transition in Calcium-123 (CaSr2Cu3Oy) Super-conductor,Solid State Commun.76(1990) 1357.

(6) Y.Xin, Z.Z.Sheng, D.X.Gu, and D.O.Pederson,Phase Formation and Superconduc-tivity of 1212-type TlSr2(Sr0.5R0.5)Cu2O7-δwith R=Sc, Y, and Lanthani-des,PhysicaC177(1991) 183.

(7) Z.Z.Sheng, Y.Xin, J.M.Meason, D.X.Gu, and D.O.Pederson,Formation and Supercon-ductivity of 1212-type Phase TlSr2(Sr,Pr)Cu2O7and (Tl,Pb)Sr2(Sr,-Pr)Cu2O7,Superconductor Science and Technology4(1991) 212.

(8) Y.Xin, Y.F.Li, D.X.Gu, D.O.Pederson, and Z.Z.Sheng,Optimum Preparation and Elemental Addition for Tl-based 2223 Phase Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10-δ,Physca C184 (1991) 185.

(9) Y.Xin, Z.Z.Sheng, and S.Nasrazadani,Comparison of Pb, Pb-Sb, Pb-V, Pb-Mo, and Pb-W Substituted Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O,Physica C176(1991) 179.

(10) Z.Z.Sheng, Y.Xin, and J.M.Meason,New Tl-based Superconductor TlPbSrRCuO without Ca with Tc above 100K,AIP Conference Proceedings219(1991) 500.

(11) Z.Z.Sheng, Y.Xin, D.X.Gu, J.M.Meason, J.Bennett, D.Ford, and P.O.Pederson,Semi-conducting TlSr2RCu2O7(R = rare earth) and Its Supercon-ducting Deriva-tives,Z. Phys. B84(1991) 349.

(12) Y.Xin, Y.F.Li, D.Ford, D.O.Pederson, and Z.Z.Sheng,Thermopower and Resistivity of 1212-Type phase TlSr2(Er1-ySry)Cu2O7-δ,Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.30(1991) L1549.

(13) Y. Xin, D.Ford, and Z.Z.Sheng,Computer-controlled Thermoelectric Power Measu-rement for Bulk High Tc Superconductors,Rev. Sci. Instrument63(1992) 2263.

(14) J.S.Munoz, M.Pont, T.Puig, Z.Z.Sheng, Y.Xin, D.X.Gu, and D.O.Pederson,Effects of a Bias Field (up to 1T) on the a.c. Susceptibility of Cr0.3Tl1Ba2Ca2Cu3Ox,Cryogenics32(1992) 1042.

(15) Y.Xin, K.W.Wong, G.F.Sun, and D.F.Lu,Fluorine Substituted High Tc CuprateTlSr2CaCu2O7,Solid State Commun.87(1993) 1061.

(16) M.Pont, T.Puig, J.S.Munoz, Z.Z.Sheng, Y.Xin, D.X.Gu, and D.O.Pederson,Effects of Cr and V Substitution on the Properties of Bulk Tl-based Superconductors,Cryogenics33(1993) 91.

(17) Y.Xin, K.W.Wong, C.X.Fan, Z.Z.Sheng, and F.T.Chan,Thermoelectric Power of Thallium Based Supercon-duc-torTl2Ba2Ca2-Cu3O10-δ,Phys. Rev. B,48(1993) 557.

(18) G.F.Sun, K.W.Wong, B.R.Xu, Y.Xin, and D.F.Lu,Tc Enhancement of HgBa2Ca2-Cu3O8+δby Tl Substitution,Phys. Lett. A192(1994) 122.

(19) M.Yang, Y.H.Kao, Y.Xin, and K.W.Wong,Chemical Doping and Intergranular Magnetic-field Effects in Bulk Thallium-based Superconductors,Phys. Rev. B50(1994) 13653.

(20) X.X.Zhang, A.Garcia, J.Tejada, Y.Xin, and K.W.Wong,Experimental Evidence of Quantum Tunneling of 2D Vortices up to 10K in BulkTl2Ba2Ca2-Cu3O10Superconductor,Physica C232(1994) 99.

(21) X.X.Zhang, A.Garcia, J.Tejada, Y.Xin, and K.W.Wong,Quantum Relaxation of Vortices in a Sintered Tl-2223 high-Tc Superconductor,Physica C235-4(1994) 2957.

(22) Z.Q.Yu, L.K.Yu, W.J.Yeh, Y.Xin, and K.W.Wong,Flux Noise, Vortex Glass Transition, and Irreversibility Line in Ceramic Tl2Ba2Ca2-Cu3O10High Tc Superconductors,Physica C231(1994) 191.

(23) C.X.Fan, D.F.Lu, K.W.Wong, Y.Xin, B.Xu, N.S.Alzayed, M.Chester, and D.Knapp,High Temperature rf SQUID Gradiometer Applied to Non-destructive Testing,Cryogenics34(1994) 667.

(24) Y.Xin, B.R.Xu, S.Nasrazadani, W.S.He, D.F.Lu, G.F.Sun, K.W.Wong, and D.Knapp,A Systematic Study of the Synthesis of Useful Tl2Ba2Ca2-Cu3O10-δBulk Superconductors,J. Mater. Res.9(1994) 1672.

(25) W.J.Yeh, L.K.Yu, Z.Q.Yu, Y.Xin, K.W.Wong,Dimensionality Crossover inTl2Ba2Ca2-Cu3O10-δCompounds in Magnetic Field,Physica B194-196(1994) 1485.

(26) Y.Xin, W.S.He, B.R.Xu, G.F.Sun, S.H.Yoo, X.Hu, D.F.Lu, K.W.Wong, and D.Knapp,Tl2Ba2Ca2-Cu3O10Material for Bulk Applications,Physica C235(1994) 545.

(27) D.F.Lu, C.X.Fan, N.Alzayed, K.W.Wong, S.G.Han, J.Z.Ruan, Y.Xin, B.Xu, M.Chester, D.E.Knapp,Nondestructive Testing of Cracks in Solid Aluminum with High Temperature rf-SQUID,Physica C235-40(1994) 3361.

(28) W.S.He, Y.Xin, N.Alzayed, B.R.Xu, C.X.Fan, and K.W.Wong,Magnetic Shields Made of High Tc Superconducting Ceramic Tl2Ba2Ca2-Cu3O10,Physica C235-40(1994) 3459.

(29) N.Alzayed, Y.Xin, W.S.He, C.X.Fan, and K.W.Wong,Thermal Cycling Effect on Thallium 2223 High-TcSuperconducting Cylindrical Shield,Physica C235-40(1994) 3463.

(30) S.H.Yun, J.Z.Wu, B.W.Kang, A.N.Ray, A.Gapud, Y.Yang, R.Farr, G.F.Sun, Y.Xin, and W.S.He,Fabrication of C-oriented HgBa2Ca2-Cu3O8+δSuperconducting Thin Films,AppliedPhysics Letters67(1995) 2866.

(31) P.Dai, B.C.Chakoumakos, F.Sun, K.W.Wong, Y.Xin, and D.F.Lu,Synthesis and Neutron Powder Diffraction Study of Superconductor HgBa2Ca2-Cu3O8+δby Tl Substitution,Physica C243(1995) 201.

(32) X.X.Zhang, A.Garcia, J.Tejada, Y.Xin, G.F.Sun, and K.W.Wong,Magnetic Relaxation and Quantum Tunneling of Vortices in a Polycrytalline Hg0.8Tl0.2Ba2Ca2-Cu3O8+δSuperconductor,Physical Rev. B52(1995) 1325.

(33) A.R.Drews, E.F.Skelton, M.S.Osofsky, S.B.Qadri, D.H.Liebenberg, G.F.Sun, K.W.Wong, and Y.Xin,Pressure-dependence of Tc in Tl0.2Hg0.8Ba2Ca2Cu3Ox,Journal of Superconductivity8(1995) 615.

(34) Y.Xin, B.R.Xu, W.S.He, G.F.Sun, R.Farr, D.F.Lu, K.W.Wong, and D.Knapp,Powder Processing of High Temperature Ceramic Superconductor Tl2Ba2Ca2-Cu3O10,J. Electronic Mat.24(1995) 1821.

(35) B.R.Xu, Y.Xin, G.F.Sun, and K.W.Wong,Thermoelectric Power of HgBa2CaCu2O6+δ,HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ, and (Hg,Tl)Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+δ,Thirteenth International Conference on Thermoelectrics316(1995) 96.

(36) Y.Xin, B.R.Xu, and K.W.Wong,Effects of Elemental Doping on the Thermoelectric Power of the Thallium Based Superconductor Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10+δ,Thirteenth International Conference on Thermoelectrics316(1995) 119.

(37) X.X.Zhang, R.H.Yu, J.Tejada, G.F.Sun, Y.Xin, and K.W.Wong,Magnetic Properties and Giant Magnetoresistance in La0.67Ca0.33Mn3OxBulk Material,Appl. Phys. Lett.22(1996) 3191.

(38) N.S.Alzayed, K.W.Wong, C.X.Fan, Y.Xin, D.F.Lu, and D.E.Knapp,Magnetic Attenuation by HTC Superconducting Cylinders,Chinese Journal of Physics34(1996) 698.

(39) J.Lluma, X.X.Zhang, J.M.Hernandez, J.Tejada, G.F.Sun, Y.Xin, and K.W.Wong,Resistance of Ceramic Samples: 2D Localization and Time Dependence,Czechoslovak Journal of Physics46(1996) 2493.

(40) X.X.Zhang, J.Tejada, Y.Xin, G.F.Sun, K.W.Wong, and X.Bohigas,Magnetocaloric Effect in La0.67Ca0.33MnOδand La0.60Y0.07Ca0.33MnOδBulk Materials,AppliedPhysics Letters69(1996) 3596.

(41) G.F.Sun, Y.Xin, D.F.Lu, K.W.Wong, Y.C.Zhang, and J.G.Stevens,Effects of Fluorine Substitution in Superconducting Tl2Ba2CuO6+/-δ,Solid State Communications101(1997) 849.

(42) S.H.Yoo, K.W.Wong, and Y.Xin,Thick Film of HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δViathe Sol-gel Technique,Physica C273(1997) 189.

(43) S.H.Yoo, K.W.Wong, and Y.Xin,Thick Films of the T1-based Superconductor Fabricated Via the Sol-gel Technique,Physica C281(1997) 55.

(44) X.Hu, Y.Xin, and K.W.Wong,Influence of the Mass Density on the Critical Current Density of the Bulk Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10Material,Physica C281(1997) 185.

(45) Y.Xin, B.R.Xu, and K.W.Wong,New Tl 2201 (Tl,Cr)2Sr2-CuO6±δPhase Mmaterial,Physica C309(1998) 208.

(46) X.Hu, Y.Jia, Y.Xin, and K.W.Wong,Tl2Ba2Ca2-Cu3O10Bulk Samples Prepared by Hot Isostatic Press Method,Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.38(1999) 5065.

(47) Y.Y.Xie, J.Z.Wu, A.A.Gapud, Y.Yu, and Y.Xin,Synthesis of Hg-1223 Superconductors Using a Cation-exchange process,Physica C322(1999) 19.

(48) B.Hou, H.X.Xi, F.Yuan, Y.Zhang, Y.Xin, Y.F.Bi, S.T.Wu, H.K.Ding, and J.Shi.The Development of 4m HTS Power Cable,Supercond. Sci. Tech.17(2004) S415.

(49) Y.Xin, B.Hou, Y.F.Bi, K.N.Cao, Y.Zhang, S.T.Wu, H.K.Ding, G.L.Wang, Q.Liu, and Z.H.Han,China’s 30m 35kV/2kV ac HTS Power Cable Project,Supercond. Sci. Tech.17(2004) S332.

(50) Y.Xin, B.Hou, Y.F.Bi, H.X.Xi, Y.Zhang, A.L.Ren, X.C.Yang, Z.H.Han, S.T.Wu, and H.K.Ding,Introduction of China’s First Live Grid Installed HTS Power Cable System,IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon.15(2005) 1814.

(51) W.Z.Gong , Y.Xin, Y.Zhang, and Y.Wan,The Reliability and Quench Process of Superconductor Cable,IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon.15(2005) 1831.

(52) X.C.Xi, B.Hou, Y.F.Bi, X.C.Yang, H.K.Ding, and Y.Xin,A Prototype 4m, 2kA, AC HTS Power Cable System,ICEC 20: Proceeding of the Twentieth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference(2005) 689.

(53) B.Hou, Y.F.Bi, S.T.Wu, H.X.Xi, F.Yuan, Y.Xin, Y.Zhang, H.K.Ding, J.Shi, and J.S. Zhang,A 4m 2kA HTS Power Cable System,Plasma Sci. Technol.8(2006) 732.

(54) H.X.Xi, W.Z.Gong, Y.Zhang, Y.F.Bi, H.K.Ding, H.Wen, B.Hou, and Y.Xin,China's 33.5m, 35kV/2kA HTS ac Power Cable's Operation in Power Grid,Physica C18(2006) 1054.

(55) Y.Xin, W.Z.Gong, X.Y.Niu, Z.J.Cao, H.X.Xi, J.Y.Zhang, Y.Wang, B.Tian, and B.Hou,Development of HTS Fault Current Limiters,2006 International Conference on Power Systems Technology: POWERCON1- 6(2006) 569.

(56) Y.Xin, Z.H.Han, and Z.L.Liao,Experimental 35kV/121MVA Superconducting Cable System Intalled at Puji Substation in Southern China Power Grid,IEEJ Trans. Elec. and Electron. Engin.1(2006) 8.

(57) Y.Xin, W.Z.Gong, X.Y.Niu, Z.J.Cao, J.Y.Zhang, B.Tian, H.X.Xi, Y.Wang, H.Hong, Y.Zhang, B.Hou, and X.C.Yang,Development of Saturated Iron Core HTS Fault Current Limiters,IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon.17(2007) 1760.

(58) W.Z.Gong,J.Y.Zhang,Z.J.Cao, H.Hong,B.Tian, Y.Wang, J.Z,Wang, X.Y.Niu, J.Qiu, S.H.Wang, and Y.Xin,HTS dc Bias Coil for 35kV/90MVA Saturated Iron-core Fault Current Limiter,Physica C468(2008) 2050.

(59) S.T.Wu, Y.Wu, Y.T.Song, Y.T.Wu, Y.F.Bi, W.B.Xi, L.Y.Xiao, Q.L.Wang, Y.W.Ma, X.H.Liu, P.X.Zhang, Y.Xin, B.Hou, R.Liu, H.J.Zhang, Z.H.Han, J.Zheng, J.S.Wang, S.Y.Wang, J. Shi, Y.J.Tang, M.Qiu, B.Wei, and Y.F.Tan,Recent Main Events in Applied Superconductivity in China,IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon.19(2009) 1069.

(60) Y.Xin, W.Z.Gong, X.Y.Niu,Y.Q. Gao, Q.Q.Guo, L.X.Xiao, Z.J.Cao, H.Hong, A.G.Wu, Z.H.Li, X.M.Hu, B.Tian, J.Y.Zhang, Y.He, Y.Wang, J.Cui, S.Z.Ding, J.Z.Wang, A.L.Ren, and F.Ye,Manufacturing and Test of a 35kV/90MVA Saturated Iron-Core Type Superconductive Fault Current Limiter for Live-Grid Operation,IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon.19(2009) 1934.

(61) H.Hong, Z.J.Cao,J.Y.Zhang, X.M.Hu, J.Z.Wang, X.Y.Niu, B.Tian, Y.Wang, W.Z.Gong, and Y.Xin,DC Magnetization System for a 35kV/90MVA Superconducting Saturated Iron-Core Fault Current Limiter,IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon.19(2009) 1851.

(62) J.Z.Wang, W.Z.Gong, Y.Xin, J.Y.Zhang,X.M.Hu,Y.W.Sun, Y.W.Sun,B.Tian,Y.Wang, H.Hong,X.Y.Niu, Q.Li, and L.F.Zhang,FEM Simulations in Designing Saturated Iron Core Superconducting Fault Current Limiters,2009 International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices(2009) 52.

(63) X.Y.Chen, J.X.Jin,Y.Xin, J.Y.Zhang, W.Z.Gong,and A.L.Ren,HTS Inductive Energy Controlled Discharging Characteristics and UPS Applications,2009 International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices(2009) 22.

(64) X.Y.Chen, J.X.Jin,Y.Xin, and J.Y.Zhang,Design and Optimization of HTS Magnets for SMES Applications,2009 International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices(2009) 26.

(65) Y.Xin, H.Hong, W.Z.Gong, J.Z.Wang,B.Tian, B.Tian, F.Ye, and M.R.Zi,Superconducting Cable and Superconducting Fault Current Limiter at Puji Substation,2009 International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices(2009) 388.

(66) X.Fang, J.Qiu, S.H.Wang, H.L.Xiao, J.Y.Zhang,W.Z.Gong, and Y.Xin,Transient Electromagnetic Force Analysis of High Temperature Superconducting Fault Limiter,Applied Electromagnetic and Mechanics13(2009) 185.

(67) Y.Xin, W.Z.Gong,and J.Y.Zhang,A Nontrivial Factor in Determining Current Distribution in an ac HTS Cable-proximity Effect,Science China-Technological Sciences53(2010) 922.

(68) Y.Xin, J.Y.Zhang, and W.Z.Gong,Voltage Surge Protection Circuit for Superconducting Bias Coil,IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon.20(2010) 1118.

(69) H.Hong, W.Z.Gong,B.Tian,J.Y.Zhang,X.M.Hu, J.Z.Wang, J.Z.Wang, Y.Wang, L.F.Zhang,Y.W.Sun, T.Q.Wu, and Y.Xin,Cryogenic System for a 35kV/90MVA Saturated Iron-core Superconducting Fault Current Limiter,Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference-CEC: Advances in Cryogenic Engineering1218(2010) 1395.

(70) 信赢,龚伟志,张敬因,影响多层交流超导电缆电流分布不可忽略的因素-邻近效应中国科学:技术科学,2010, 40:786–793.

(71) X.Fang, J.Qiu, H.L.Xiao, S.H.Wang, J.Y.Zhang,W.Z.Gong, and Y.Xin,Transient Electromagnetic Force Analysis of High Temperature Superconducting Fault Limiter,International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics33(2010) 503.

(72) W.Z.Gong, J.Y.Zhang, T.Q.Wu, J.Y.Zhang, and Y.Xin,Current Limiting Characteristic of Saturated Iron Core SFCLs,Journal of Physics: Conference Series234(2010).

(73) F.Feng, T.M.Qu, C.Gu, Y.Xin, W.Z.Gong, W.Wu, and Z.Han,Comparative Study on the Critical Current Performance of Bi-2223/Ag and YBCO Wires in Low Magnetic Fields at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature,Physica C471(2011) 293.

(74) Y.W.Sun, W.Z.Gong, J.Z.Wang, H.Hong, B.Tian, and Y.Xin,Dc Bias System of a 35kV/90MVA Saturated Iron Core SFCL,Cryogenics51(2011) 257.

(75) H.L.Xiao, J.Qiu, S.H.Wang, Q.H.Zhang, W.Z.Gong, Y.Xin, J.G.Zhu, and Y.G.Guo,Analysis of Transient Overvoltage in 220kV Saturated Core HTS FCL,IEEE Trans. Magn.47(2011) 2620.

(76) Y.Xin, H.Hong, J.Z.Wang, W.Z.Gong, J.Y.Zhang,A.L.Ren, M.R.Zi, Z.Q.Xiong, D.J.Si, and F.Ye,Performance of the 35kV/90MVA SFCL in Live-Grid Fault Current Limiting Tests,IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon.21(2011) 1294.

(77) Y.He, C.B.Li, A.G.Wu, X.N.Zhang,Y.Xin, and W.Z.Gong,Analysis and Simulation of DC-turned off High Temperature Superconducting Fault Current Limiter with Saturated Iron Core,Applied Mechanics and Materials40-41(2011) 111.

(78) X.Y.Niu,W.Z.Gong,B.Tian,Y.W.Sun, J.Y.Zhang, J.B.Cui, H.Hong, and Y.Xin,Manufacture and Test of the dc Superconducting Coil for a 220kV/300MVA SFCL,Physics Procedia27(2012) 388.

(79) Y.Xin,W.Z.Gong, H. Hong, Y.Q.Gao,X.Y.Niu,J.Y.Zhang, Y.W.Sun, A.L.Ren, H.Z.Wang, L.F.Zhang, Q.Li, Z.Q.Wei, L.Z.Wang, J.B.Cui, G.J.Niu, and Z.Q.Xiong,Development of a 220kV/300MVA Superconductive Fault Current LimiterSupercond. Sci. Technol.25(2012)105011.

(80) Y.Xin,W.Z.Gong, Y.W.Sun, J.B.Cui, H. Hong,X.Y.Niu,H.Z.Wang, L.Z.Wang, Q.Li, J.Y.Zhang, Z.Q.Wei, L.Liu, H.Yang, and X.H.Zhu,Development and Trial Operation of a 220kV/300MVA Superconductive Fault Current Limiter in a Transmission Power Grid,IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon.23(2013) 5602305.

(81) 毕延芳,洪辉,信赢,高温超导电力应用的低温冷却系统及制冷机中国科学:技术科学,2013, 43: 1101-1111.

(82) Wang, Haizhen,Zhang, Jingyin,Niu, Xiaoye,Tian, Bo,Hong, Hui,Xin, Ying,Electrical Insulation of HTS Coils in Saturated Iron Core Superconducting Fault Current LimiterIEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon.24(3)(2014)1-4.

(83) Zhang, Jing Y.,Jin, Jian X.,Chen, Xiao Y.,Zhou, Xin,Ren, An L.,Gong, Wei Z.,Xin, Ying,Electric Energy Exchange and Applications of Superconducting Magnet in an SMES DeviceIEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon.24(24)(2014)1-4.

(84) Li, Bin,Li, Chao,Guo, Fengrui,Xin, Ying,Wang, Chuncheng,Pang, Xueyue,Coordination of Superconductive Fault Current Limiters With Zero-Sequence Current Protection of Transmission LinesIEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon.24(5)(2014)5602105.

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