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电子信箱: jihaoran@wolaipei.com





(1) 2021.05-至今 bet365官网,电气工程英才副教授/特聘研究员,硕士生导师

(2) 2019.10-2020.01 Mälardalen University,访问学者,导师:Jinyue Yan 院士

(3) 2019.07-2021.05 bet365官网,电气工程博士后(国家博士后创新人才支持计划)

(4) 2014.09-2019.06 bet365官网,电气工程专业,工学博士,导师:王成山院士,李鹏教授

(5) 2010.09-2014.06 bet365官网,电气工程及其bet365官网专业,工学学士



(1) 分布式可再生能源与微电网

(2) 柔性配电系统运行分析与优化控制



(1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,数据驱动的智能软开关无模型自适应运行优化方法研究,2021/01-2023/12,主持

(2) 国家博士后创新人才支持计划项目,新一代区域综合能源系统协同运行与规划方法研究,2019/06-2021/06,主持

(3) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,支撑高韧性供电的城市配电系统柔性互联与智能控制方法,2020/07-2022/06,主持

(4) 国网天津电力公司科技项目,面向大规模充电负荷需求的城市配电系统典型供电模式、运行优化模型研究,2021/06-2022/12,主持

(5) bet365官网优秀博士学位论文基金,灵活性视角下的柔性配电系统运行控制方法研究,2018.11-2019.05,主持




(1) Yanda Huo, Peng Li, Haoran Ji*, Hao Yu, Jinyue Yan, Jianzhong Wu, Chengshan Wang. Data-driven coordinated voltage control method of distribution networks with high DG penetration. IEEE Transactions on Power System, 2022, Early Access. (SCI)

(2) Haoran Ji, Jie Jian, Hao Yu*, Jie Ji, Mingjiang Wei, Xinmin Zhang, Peng Li, Jinyue Yan, Chengshan Wang. Peer-to-peer electricity trading of interconnected flexible distribution networks based on distributed ledger. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, Early Access. (SCI)

(3) Haoran Ji, Sirui Chen, Hao Yu*, Peng Li, Jinyue Yan, Jieying Song, Chengshan Wang. Robust operation for minimizing power consumption of data centers with flexible substation integration. Energy, 2022, 248: 123599. (SCI)

(4) Peng Li, Mingjiang Wei, Haoran Ji*, Wei Xi, Hao Yu, Jianzhong Wu, Hao Yao, Junjian Chen. Deep reinforcement learning-based adaptive voltage control of active distribution networks with multi-terminal soft open point. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022, 141: 108138. (SCI)

(5) Yanda Huo, Peng Li, Haoran Ji*, Jinyue Yan, Guanyu Song, Jianzhong Wu, Chengshan Wang. Data-driven adaptive operation of soft open points in active distribution networks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17(12): 8230-8242. (SCI)

(6) Sirui Chen, Peng Li, Haoran Ji*, Hao Yu, Jinyue Yan, Jianzhng Wu, Chengshan Wang. Operational flexibility of active distribution networks with the potential from data centers. Applied Energy, 2021, 293: 116935. (SCI)

(7) Peng Li, Jie Ji, Haoran Ji*, Jie Jian, Fei Ding, Jianzhong Wu, Chengshan Wang. MPC-based local voltage control strategy of DGs in active distribution networks. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2020, 11(4): 2911-2921. (SCI)

(8) Peng Li, Jie Ji, Haoran Ji*, Guanyu Song, Chengshan Wang, Jianzhong Wu. Self-healing oriented supply restoration method based on the coordination of multiple SOPs in active distribution networks. Energy, 2020, 195: 116968. (SCI)

(9) Peng Li, Yuelong Wang, Haoran Ji*, Jinli Zhao, Guanyu Song, Jianzhong Wu, Chengshan Wang. Operational flexibility of active distribution networks: Definition, quantified calculation and application. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2020, 119: 105872. (SCI)

(10) Haoran Ji, Chengshan Wang, Peng Li*, Fei Ding, Jianzhong Wu. Robust operation of soft open points in active distribution networks with high penetration of photovoltaic integration. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019, 10(1): 280-289. (SCI)

(11) Peng Li, Haoran Ji, Chengshan Wang*, Jinli Zhao, Guanyu Song, Fei Ding, Jianzhong Wu. Optimal operation of soft open points in active distribution networks under three-phase unbalanced conditions. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(1): 380-391. (SCI)

(12) Peng Li, Haoran Ji, Hao Yu*, Jinli Zhao, Chengshan Wang, Guanyu Song, Jianzhong Wu. Combined decentralized and local voltage control strategy of soft open points in active distribution networks. Applied Energy, 2019, 241: 613-624. (SCI)

(13) Haoran Ji, Chengshan Wang, Peng Li*, Guanyu Song, Hao Yu, Jianzhong Wu. Quantified analysis method for operational flexibility of active distribution networks with high penetration of distributed generators. Applied Energy, 2019, 239: 706-714. (SCI)

(14) Jinli Zhao, Mengzhen Zhang, Hao Yu*, Haoran Ji, Guanyu Song, Peng Li, Chengshan Wang, Jianzhong. An islanding partition method of active distribution networks based on chance-constrained programming. Applied Energy, 2019, 242: 78-91.(SCI)

(15) Haoran Ji, Chengshan Wang, Peng Li*, Guanyu Song, Jianzhong Wu. SOP-based islanding partition method of active distribution networks considering the characteristics of DG, energy storage system and load. Energy, 2018, 155: 312-325. (SCI)

(16) Haoran Ji, Chengshan Wang, Peng Li*, Jinli Zhao, Guanyu Song, Fei Ding, Jianzhong Wu. A centralized-based method to determine the local voltage control strategies of distributed generator operation in active distribution networks. Applied Energy, 2018, 228: 2024-2036. (SCI)

(17) Haoran Ji, Chengshan Wang, Peng Li*, Jinli Zhao, Guanyu Song, Fei Ding, Jianzhong Wu. Quantified flexibility evaluation of soft open points to improve distributed generator penetration in active distribution networks based on difference-of-convex programming. Applied Energy, 2018, 218: 338-348. (SCI)

(18) Haoran Ji, Chengshan Wang, Peng Li*, Jinli Zhao, Guanyu Song, Fei Ding, Jianzhong Wu. An enhanced SOCP-based method for feeder load balancing using the multi-terminal soft open point in active distribution networks. Applied Energy, 2017, 208: 986-995. (SCI)

(19) Chengshan Wang, Guanyu Song, Peng Li*, Haoran Ji, Jinli Zhao, Jianzhong Wu. Optimal siting and sizing of soft open points in active electrical distribution networks. Applied Energy, 2017, 189: 301-309. (SCI)

(20) Peng Li, Haoran Ji, Chengshan Wang*, Jinli Zhao, Guanyu Song, Fei Ding, Jianzhong Wu. Coordinated control method of voltage and reactive power for active distribution networks based on soft open point. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2017, 8(4): 1430-1442. (SCI)


(1) 一种考虑分布式电源不确定性的有源配电网孤岛划分方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201810226467

(2) 基于混合整数锥规划的智能配电网综合电压无功优化方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201610049059

(3) 一种基于智能软开关的有源配电网馈线负载平衡方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201710036920

(4) 基于锥规划的分布式电源就地电压无功控制策略整定方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201710133973

(5) 基于凸差规划的配电网分布式电源最大接入能力计算方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201711203011

(6) 基于智能软开关的有源配电网不对称运行优化方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201611034925

(7) 基于锥优化的交直流混合结构柔性配电系统运行优化方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201510546775

(8) 一种同时考虑开关动作的配电网智能软开关运行优化方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201510395612

(9) 一种考虑负荷重要性的配电网智能软开关供电恢复方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201610465357

(10) 考虑分布式电源特性的有源配电网智能软开关规划方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL201510924782



(1) 中国人力资源和社会保障部博士后创新人才支持计划入选者,2019

(2) bet365官网优秀博士学位论文,海外国际评审高度学术评价,2019

(3) 全球前1%ESI高被引论文,Robust operation of soft open points in active distribution networks with high penetration of photovoltaic integration2019

(4) 全球前1%ESI高被引论文,Optimal operation of soft open points in active distribution networks under three-phase unbalanced conditions2019

(5) bet365官网优博基金获得者,2018

(6) bet365官网优秀学生标兵,2018

(7) bet365官网第十七届学生科学奖,2018

(8) 博士研究生国家奖学金,2018

(9) 博士研究生国家奖学金,2017

(10) 2017 IEEE PES General Meeting最佳会议论文,2017



(1) 国际SCI学术期刊Frontiers in Energy Research (IF:4.008)客座副编辑, 组织专刊“Flexible and Active Distribution Networks”

(2) 国际SCI学术期刊 Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (IF: 5.353)客座编辑,组织专刊“Sustainable and coordinated planning of active distribution networks”

(3) 国际SCI学术期刊 Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks (IF: 3.899)客座编辑,组织专刊“The role of flexibility for the development of the distribution system: integration of operation, flexibility markets and distribution planning”

(4) 国际SCI学术期刊Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP) 编辑

(5) 国际EI学术期刊Energy Engineering, 编委

(6) 国际学术期刊 e-Prime – Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, 副编辑

(7) 国际学术期刊 Advances in Applied Energy, 青年编委

(8) 国际应用能源大会ICAE2021/ ICAE2020, 分会主席

(9) 国际应用能源研讨会议CUE2021/ CUE2020, 分会主席

(10) IEEE PES电力系统运行、规划与经济技术委员会(中国) 分布式资源与配电网规划分委会, 理事

(11) IEEE PES能源发展与发电技术委员会(中国) 新能源发电分委会, 理事

(12) 国际大电网委员会 (CIGRE) 中国国家委员会,会员

(13) 美国电气和电子工程师协会 (IEEE), 会员

(14) 中国电机工程学会 (CSEE), 会员