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葛磊蛟,男,副教授,硕导/博士副导师,主要从事智能配电网态势感知、新能源并网优化控制技术、人工智能赋能微电网/配电网和智能配用电大数据云计算技术等方面的研究。现任IEEE Senior Member、全国微电网与分布式电源并网标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC564)委员、中国可再生能源学会可再生能源并网专委会委员、中国仿真学会电力系统仿真专委会委员、中国机械工业安全卫生协会青年专家委员会委员、中国电机工程学会高级会员、中国电工技术学会高级会员、中国仪器仪表学会高级会员等。作为项目负责人承担国家重大项目青年科学家、国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目、国防军工和国家发改委等国家级科研项目及企业科技项目44项;发表论文150多篇,其中以第一/通信作者在《IEEE Transactions on Power Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy》、《IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing》、《IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement》、《ASC Nano》等行业SCI顶级期刊上发表论文50篇,编写中英文专著(章节)5本,制定/修订国际国内行业标准规范6项,授权国家发明专利30项,先后荣获省部级奖24项,其中以第一完成人获得中国能源研究会能源创新奖一等奖1项、天津市科技进步二等奖1项和中国电力建设科技进步二等奖1项等,是《bet365官网app下载》编委、《bet365官网》青年编委等。


(1)      2021.07-至今 bet365官网电气bet365官网与信息工程学院,电力系统及其bet365官网专业,副教授,硕导,博士副导师

(2)      2016.11-2021.06 bet365官网电气bet365官网与信息工程学院,电力系统及其bet365官网专业,讲师,硕导,博士副导师

(3)      2012.09-2016.6 bet365官网电气bet365官网与信息工程学院,电力系统及其bet365官网专业,博士研究生


(1)      智能配电网态势感知

(2)      新能源并网优化控制技术

(3)      智能配用电大数据云计算技术

(4)      人工智能赋能微电网/配电网




(1)      2023.3-2027. 2XXXX异质微电网XXX,国家重大项目青年科学家,项目负责人

(2)      2022.11-2026.10,海量电力用户多参量广域感知量测关键技术-计及新能源接入时频域宽动态、多特征量的高精准度电能计量技术,国家重点研发计划项目,子任务负责人

(3)      2023.01-2026.12,面向多类型电力用户特性的智能配电网状态感知和自适应控制技术,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人

(4)      2019.01-2021.12,智能配电网态势感知时滞不确定性的区间仿射方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,项目负责人(结题优秀)

(5)      2020.01-2020.10,面向XXX高供能可靠性的区域能源互联网XXXX研究,中国人民解放军32654部队(国家纵向项目),项目负责人

(6)      2021.03-2021.12,面向双碳目标的增量配电网关键技术及发展趋势研究,国家发展和改革委员会课题(国家纵向项目),项目负责人

(7)      2022.10-2025.09,面向多类型电力用户群体特性的中低压配电网无模型自适应控制技术研究,天津市自然科学基金多元投入重点基金项目,项目负责人

(8)      2021.08-2022.12,基于数据驱动和机理分析相结合的分布式光伏运维数据虚拟采集方法研究,电力系统及大型发电设备安全控制和仿真国家重点实验室面上基金(清华大学),项目负责人

(9)      2020.09-2022.08,智能电表运行状态多模态融合监测与轮换策略,省部共建电工装备可靠性与智能化国家重点实验室开放基金(河北工业大学),项目负责人

(10)   2021.05-2021.12,智能技术在高压直流输电中应用信息收集与研究技术服务,中国南方电网有限责任公司超高压输电公司检修试验中心重点实验室开放基金,项目负责人

(11)   2022.01-2023.12,风/光等波动电源电解制氢系统过程控制技术研究,现代电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室开放课题(东北电力大学),项目负责人

(12)   2022.4-2022.10,新型电力系统下的数字电网深度感知与关键设备状态分析决策研究  中国南方电网有限责任公司直流输电装备与海底电缆安全运行联合实验室开放基金,项目负责人

(13)   2017.07-2018.11,面向城市能源互联网的源网荷协调规划设计关键技术研究,国网天津市电力公司重点科技项目,项目负责人



近年来发表高水平SCI期刊论文69篇(第一/通信作者50篇), 论文如下:

(1)      Leijiao Ge*, Hangxu Liu, Jun Yan, Yuanzheng Li, Jiaan Zhang. A virtual data collection model of distributed PVs considering spatio-temporal coupling and affine optimization reference[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2022, Early Access. (SCI一区,Q1Top期刊)

(2)      Leijiao Ge, Hangxu Liu, Jun Yan, Xinshan Zhu*, Shuai Zhang, Yuanzheng Li. Optimal Integrated Energy System Planning with DG Uncertainty Affine Model and Carbon Emissions Charges[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2022, 13(2): 905-918. (SCI一区,Q1Top期刊)

(3)      Leijiao Ge*, Jiaheng Liu, Jun Yan, Muhammad Umer Rafiq. Improved Harris Hawks Optimization for Configuration of PV Intelligent Edge Terminals[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2022, 7(3): 631-643.

(4)      Renhai Feng, Wanqi Yuan, Leijiao Ge*, Siyu Ji. Non-intrusive load disaggregation for residential users based on alternating optimization and downsampling[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70: 9005312.

(5)      Xingzhen Bai, Feiyu Qin, Leijiao Ge*, Lin Zeng, Xinlei Zheng. Dynamic state estimation for synchronous generator with communication constraints: an improved regularized particle filter approach[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2022, Early Access.

(6)      Zhipeng Shen, Jiebei Zhu*, Leijiao Ge*, Siqi Bu, Junbo Zhao, ChiYung Chung, Xialin Li, Chengshan Wang. Variable-inertia emulation control scheme for VSC-HVDC transmission systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2022, 37(1): 629-639.(SCI一区,Q1Top期刊)

(7)      Yuan Zhou, Jieke Hao, Shuwei Huo, Boyu Wang, Leijiao Ge*, Sunyuan Kung. Automatic metric search for few-shot learning[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023, Early Access. (SCI一区,Q1Top期刊)

(8)      Yuanzheng Li, Xiao Ren, Zhixian Ni, Tianyang Zhao, Leijiao Ge*, Xi Li, Yunfeng Luo. Shared energy and reserve based coordinated operation between electric vehicle charging stations and distribution power network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023, Early Access.

(9)      Zhihao Zhou, Lei Weng, Trinny Tat, Alberto Libanori, Zhiming Lin, Leijiao Ge*, Jin Yang*, Jun Chen*. Smart Insole for Robust Wearable Biomechanical Energy Harvesting in Harsh Environments[J]. ACS Nano ,2020, 14(10): 14126-14133. (SCI一区,Q1Top期刊)

(10)   Leijiao Ge*, YuanLiang Li, Jun Yan, Yuqian Wang, Na Zhang. Short-term load prediction of integrated energy system with wavelet neural network model based on improved particle swarm optimization and chaos optimization algorithm[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2021, 9(6): 1490-1499.

(11)   Leijiao Ge, Yiming Xian*, Jun Yan, Bo Wang, Zhongguan Wang. A hybrid method for short-term PV output forecast based on PCA-GWO-GRNN[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2020, 8(6): 1268-1275. 

(12)   Leijiao Ge*, Yuanliang Li, Jun Yan, Yuanliang Li, Jiaan Zhang, Xiaohui Li. A multivariate two-stage adaptive-stacking prediction of regional integrated energy system[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2022, Early Access.

(13)   Leijiao Ge, Yiming Xian*, Zhongguan Wang, Bo Gao, Fujian Chi, Kuo Sun. Short-term load forecasting of regional distribution network based on generalized regression neural network optimized by grey wolf optimization algorithm[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2021, 7(5): 1093-1101.

(14)   Leijiao Ge, Jiaheng Liu, Zhongguan Wang*, Jun Yan, Muhammad Umer Rafiq. Optimal configuration of an off-grid hybrid renewable energy system with PV/wind/hydrogen/cooling[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2022, Early Access.

(15)   Leijiao Ge*, Zhicheng Gu, Jun Yan, Yuanzheng Li, Jiaan Zhang, Xiaohui Li. Optimal interaction strategy for vehicle-to-grid based on interval uncertainty model[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2022, Accepted.

(16)   Leijiao Ge, Jiaheng Liu, Xinshan Zhu*, Changli Shi. Short-term load forecasting of the integrated energy system considering the peak-valley of load correlations[J]. IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, 2022, 16(14): 2791-2804.

(17)   Leijiao Ge, YuanLiang Li, Suxuan Li*, Jiebei Zhu, Jun Yan. Evaluation on the situation awareness effects for smart distribution networks under the novel design of indicator framework and hybrid weighting method[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2021,15(1): 143-158.

(18)   Leijiao Ge*, Jiaheng Liu, Bo Wang, Yue Zhou, Jun Yan, Ming Wang. Improved adaptive gray wolf genetic algorithm for low-cost and high reliability of photovoltaic intelligent edge terminal optimal configuration[J]. Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2021, 95: 107394.

(19)   Leijiao Ge, Yuanliang Li, Xinshan Zhu*, Yue Zhou, Ting Wang, Jun Yan. An evaluation system for HVDC protection systems by a novel indicator framework and self-learning combination method[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 152053-152070.

(20)   Leijiao Ge, Wenlong Liao*, Shouxiang Wang, Birgitte Bak Jensen, Jayakrishnan Radhakrishna Pillai. Modeling daily load profiles of distribution network for scenario generation using flow-based generative network[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 77587-77597.

(21)   Leijiao Ge, Zhaoshan Song, Xiandong Xu*, Xingzhen Bai, Jun Yan. Dynamic networking of islanded regional multi-microgrid networks based on graph theory and multi-objective evolutionary optimization [J]. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2021, 31(1): e12687.

(22)   Leijiao Ge*, Yuanliang Li, Yuanliang Li, Jun Yan, Yonghui Sun. Smart distribution network situation awareness for high-quality operation and maintenance: a brief review[J]. Energies, 2022, 15(3): 828.

(23)   Leijiao Ge*, Jun Yan, Yonghui Sun, Zhongguan Wang. Situational awareness for smart distribution systems[J]. Energies, 2022, 15(11):4164.

(24)   Leijiao Ge, Shuai Zhang*, Xingzhen Bai, Jun Yan, Changli Shi, Tongzhen Wei. Optimal capacity allocation of energy storage system considering uncertainty of load and wind generation[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020,(10):1-11.

(25)   Leijiao Ge, Tianshuo Du, Changlu Li*, Yuanliang Li, Jun Yan, Muhammad Umer Rafiq. Virtual collection for distributed photovoltaic data: challenges, methodologies, and applications[J]. Energies, 2022, 15(23): 8783.

(26)   Shouxiang Wang, Leijiao Ge* Shengxia CaiLei WU. Hybrid interval AHP-entropy method for electricity user evaluation in smart electricity utilization[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 20186(4): 701-711.

(27)   Zhongguan Wang, Leijiao Ge*, Jinjin Ding, Weidu Gu. Distributed newton-based voltage control method for high-penetration PV generation cluster in active distribution networks [J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2020,14(11): 1904-1911.

(28)   Yuqian Wang, Leijiao Ge*, Na Zhang. Hybrid Evaluation Method for Dispatching Control Level of Smart Distribution Network[J]. Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 2019, 14(6): 2263-2275.

(29)   Shouxiang Wang, Leijiao Ge*, Shengxia CaiDong Zhang. An improved interval AHP method for assessment of cloud platform based electrical safety monitoring system[J]. Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 201712(2): 959-968.

(30)   Xingzhen Bai, Xinlei Zheng, Leijiao Ge*, Wenlong Liao, Kody Powell, Jiaan Zhang. Dynamic event-based forecastin-aided state estimation for active distribution systems subject to limited communication resource[J]. Electric Power Systems Research, 2023, Accepted.

(31)   Fang Yao, Mingwei Li, Leijiao Ge*, Wenlong Liao, Kody Powell. An accurate offline measurement method of d-q axis inductance of PMSM: Two-line-same-phase AC standstill measurement[J]. Journal of Power Electronics, 2023, Accepted.

(32)   Bing Sun, Jiahao Chen, Leijiao Ge*, Yuan Zeng, Gang Liang, Wenlong Liao. A fast island partition method of distribution network with energy storage based on electricity sufficiency and power balance information[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2022, Accepted. (SCI 二区, Q2

(33)   Bing Sun, Ruipeng Jing, Leijiao Ge*, Yuan Zeng, Shimeng Dong, Luyang Hou. A quick hosting capacity evaluation method for smart distribution network planning with DG[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2023, Accepted. (SCI 二区, Q2

(34)   Xialin Li, Pengfei Li, Leijiao Ge*, Xunyang Wang, Zhiwang Li, Lin Zhu, Li Guo, Chengshan Wang. A unified control of bi-directional DC-DC converter based super-capacitor system for power smoothing in DC microgrid[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2022, Early Access. (SCI 二区, Q2

(35)   Yonghui Sun, Bowen Zhang, Leijiao Ge*, Denis Sidorov, Jianxi Wang, Zhou Xu. Day-ahead optimization schedule for gas-electric integrated energy system based on second-order cone programming[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2020, 6(1): 142-151. (SCI 二区, Q2

(36)   Jidong Wang, Naixing Ye, Leijiao Ge*. Steady-state power quality synthetic evaluation based on triangular fuzzy BW method and interval VIKOR method[J]. Applied Science-Basel, 2020, 10(8):  2839-2849.

(37)   Zhichao Zhou, Chengshan Wang, Leijiao Ge*. Operation of stand-alone microgrids considering the load following of biomass power plants and the power curtailment control optimization of wind turbines[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 186115-186125.

(38)   Xingzhen Bai, Liting Dong, Leijiao Ge*, Hongxiang Xu, Jinchang Zhang, Jun Yan. Robust localization of mobile robot in industrial environments with non-line-of-sight situation [J]. IEEE Access, 2020822537-22545.

(39)   Qinglin Meng, Guoqiang Zu*, Leijiao Ge*, Shengwei Li, Liang Xu, Rui Wang, Kecheng He, Shangting Jin. Dispatching strategy of park-level integrated energy system based on low-carbon and flexible supply[J]. Applied Science-Basel, 2022, Accepted.

(40)   Xingzhen Bai, Xinlei Zheng, Leijiao Ge*, Feiyu Qin, Yuanliang Li. Event-triggered forecasting-aided state estimation for active distribution system with distributed generations[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021, 9: 707183.

(41)   Jiaan Zhang, Chenyu Liu*, Leijiao Ge*. Short-term load forecasting model of electric vehicle charging load based on MCCNN-TCN[J]. Energies, 2022, 15(7): 2633.

(42)   Dahu Li, Xiaoda Cheng, Leijiao Ge*, Wentao Huang*, Jun He, Zhongwei He. Multiple power supply capacity planning research for new power system based on situation awareness[J]. Energies, 2022, 15(7): 2745.

(43)   Qiang Yang, Weijie Hao, Leijiao Ge*, Wei Ruan, Fujian Chi. FARIMA model-based communication traffic anomaly detection in intelligent electric power substations[J]. IET Cyber-Physical Systems:Theory and Applicaitons, 2019, 4(1):22-29.

(44)   Muying Wu, Xiaopeng Li, Leijiao Ge*, Helei Dong, Shihui Yu, Lingxia Li. Enhanced dielectric tunable performance of Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7/BaTi0.85Sn0.15O3 hetero-layer thin films[J]. Ceramics International2019455):6509-6513.

(45)   Bing Sun, Ruipeng Jing, Yuan Zeng, Leijiao Ge*, Shimeng Dong. Distributed optimal dispatching method of smart distribution network considering integrated energy microgrid with multiple grid-connected points[J]. IET Energy Systems Integration, 2022, Accepted.

(46)   Guoxuan Qin, Lin Yang, Shihui Yu*, Muying Wu, Leijiao Ge*, Xiaohu Wang. Effect of structural design on the electrical, optical and mechanical properties of flexible BaSnO3-Ag composite thin films[J]. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2020, 117: 1-8.

(47)   Yifan Li, Shan Wu, Quanan Yang, Guanzheng Liu, Leijiao Ge*. Application of the variance delay fuzzy approximate entropy for autonomic nervous system fluctuation analysis in obstructive sleep apnea patients[J]. Entropy, 2020, 22(9): 915.

(48)   Xiuwu Liu, Xiaoyuan Cui, Yuxing Wang, Shijie Zhu, Jilin Cao, Leijiao Ge*. Capturing Carbon Dioxide on the Wet SBA-15 Mesoporous Molecular Sieves with Different Surfactants[J]. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2020, 65(11): 5476-5482.

(49)   Shihui Yu, Wentao Lou, Chunmei Zhang, Muying Wu, Leijiao Ge*, Helei Dong, Lingxia Li. (1 1 0)-textured Basn0.15Ti0.85O3/Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3/BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3 multilayers with enhanced tunable performance[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 781: 689-695.

(50)   Lingshuo Zong, Lin Yan, Shaofei Zhang, Qi Sun, Zhijia Zhang, Leijiao Ge*, Jianli Kang*. Flexible SnS2/CNTs/porprous Cu tube textile anode for enhanced sodium-ion batteries[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2021,396: 139243.

(51)   Bo Wang, Fuqi Ma, Leijiao Ge, Hengrui Ma, Hongxia Wang, Mohamed A. Mohamed. Icing-edgenet: a pruning lightweight edge intelligent method of discriminative driving channel for ice thickness of transmission lines[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2020, 70: 2501412.Q1ESI 1%高被引论文、热点论文).

(52)   Wenlong Liao, Leijiao Ge, Bak-Jensen Birgitte, Pillai Jayakrishnan Radhakrishna, Yang Zhe. Scenario prediction for power loads using a pixel convolutional neural network and an optimization strategy[J]. Energy Reports, 2022, 8: 6659-6671.

(53)   Yuanzheng Li, Shangyang He, Yang Li, Leijiao Ge, Suhua Lou, Zhigang Zeng. Probabilistic charging power forecast of EVCS: reinforcement learning assisted deep learning approach[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2023, 8(1): 344-357.

(54)   Yuanzheng Li, Chaofan Yu, Yun Liu, Zhixian Ni, Leijiao Ge, Xi Li. Collaborative operation between power network and hydrogen fueling stations with peer-to-peer energy trading[J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2023, 9(1): 1521-1540. (SCI一区,Q1Top期刊)

(55)   Luyang Hou*, Jun Yan, Chun Wang, Leijiao Ge. A simultaneous multi-round auction design for scheduling multiple charges of battery electric vehicles on highways[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, 7(23): 8024-8036. (SCI一区,Q1Top期刊)

(56)   Feng Niu, Xiaoyan Huang, Leijiao GeJian Zhang ,Lijian Wu , Yao Wang , Kui Li , Youtong Fang.  A simple and practical duty cycle modulated direct torque control for permanent magnet synchronous motors[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019, 34(2): 1572-1579. SCI 一区,Q1,Top期刊

(57)   Shouxiang Wang, Sijia Chen, Leijiao GeLei Wu. Distributed generation hosting capacity evaluation for distribution systems considering the robust optimal operation of OLTC and SVC[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2016 7(3): 1111-1123.SCI 一区, Q1Top期刊

(58)   Shouxiang Wang, Xingyou Zhang, Leijiao Ge, Lei Wu. 2-D wind speed statistical model for reliability assessment of microgrid[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy20167(3): 1159-1169.SCI 一区, Q1Top期刊

(59)   Qiang Lin, Liyuan Liu, Ming Yuan*, Leijiao Ge, Yihan Wang, Ming Zhang. Choice of the distributed photovoltaic power generation operating mode for a manufacturing enterprise: Surrounding users vs a power grid[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, (293): 126199. (SCI一区,Q1Top期刊)

(60)   Xingzhen Bai, Zhijing Zhang, Lu Liu, Xiaojun Zhai, John Panneerselvam, Leijiao Ge. Enhancing Localization of Mobile Robots in Distributed Sensor Environments for Reliable Proximity Service Applications[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 28826-28834.

(61)   Shihui Yu Rongchuang Liu  Leijiao GeLe Zhao, Lingxia Li, Chunmei Zhang, Haoran Zheng, Yongtao Sun. High tunability in (110)-oriented BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3(BTZ) lead-free thin films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition[J]. Ceramics International201844(3): 3005-3008.Q1, Top期刊

(62)   Muying Wu Shihui Yu Yongtao SunLeijiao Ge. Highly performance of flexible transparent conductive Cu-based ZnO multilayer thin films via BS barrier layer[J]. Ceramics International 2018 44(12): 14318-14322.Q1 Top期刊

(63)   Gang Liang, Bing Sun*, Yuan Zeng, Leijiao Ge, Yunfei Li, Yu Wang. An optimal allocation method of distributed PV and energy storage considering moderate curtailment measure[J]. Energies, 2022, 15(20): 7690.

(64)   Yu Tang, Xiang Liu, Zhe Shi, Leijiao Ge, Lin Jiang. A frequency-doubling modulation method for LLC with optimizing thermal balance of power switches[J]. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2023, Early Access.

(65)   Yao Wang, Cuiyan Bai, Xiaopeng Qian, Wanting Liu, Chen Zhu, Leijiao Ge. A DC serial arc fault detection method based on a lightweight convolutional neural network used in photovoltaic system[J]. Energies, 2022, 15(8): 2877.

(66)   Shouxiang Wang, Dong Liang, Leijiao Ge, Lei Wu . PQ decoupled 3-phase numerical observability analysis and critical data identification for distribution systems[J]. International Transaction on Electrical Energy Systems, 2017, 27:1-12.

(67)   Shouxiang Wang, Dong Liang, Leijiao Ge, Xudong Wang. Analytical FRTU deployment approach for reliability improvement of integrated cyber-physical distribution systems[J]. IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, 2016, 10(11): 2631-2639.

(68)   Shouxiang Wang Xiguang Fan Liang Han Leijiao Ge . Improved interval optimization method based on differential evolution for microgrid economic dispatch[J]. Electric Power Components and Systems 2015 43(16): 1882-1890.

(69)   Yanbo Che Wen Zhang Leijiao GeJijie Zhang . A two-stage wind grid inverter with boost converter[J]. Journal of Applied Mathematics 20142014:1-5.

(70)   葛磊蛟,杜天硕,孙冰*. 分布式光伏功率数据的IMOWOALightGBM混合虚拟采集方法[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2022, 网络首发.

(71)   冯人海,袁万琦,葛磊蛟*. 基于图信号交替优化的居民用户非侵入式负荷监测方法[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2022, 42(2): 1355-1365.

(72)   黄文涛,罗杰,葛磊蛟*,何俊,贺忠尉,王歆智. 考虑灵活碳捕集电厂与抽水蓄能联合的广义经济调度策略[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2022, 网络首发.

(73)   葛磊蛟,廖文龙,王煜森, . 数据不足条件下基于改进自动编码器的变压器故障数据增强方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(S1): 84-94.

(74)   葛磊蛟,王守相,王尧,等.多源异构的智能配用电数据存储处理技术[J].电工技术学报,201530(S2):159-168.

(75)   崔庆雪, 李霞林, 葛磊蛟*. 计及时滞的含风电配电网节点电压安全分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2022, 网络首发

(76)   刘嘉恒, 张明, 葛磊蛟*, . 基于改进郊狼优化算法的光伏智能边缘终端优化配置方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(7): 1368-1379.

(77)   葛磊蛟, 曹智博. 面对泛在电力物联网的电力系统及其bet365官网本科设计新思路[J]. 教育现代化, 2020, 8373-76(教改论文)

(78)   葛磊蛟, 李尚泽, 王尧. 新工科条件下电气工程学科本科毕业设计的新模式[J]. 当代教育实践与教学研究, 2020(09): 49-51.(教改论文)

(79)   葛磊蛟,刘航旭,孙永辉,等. 智能配电网多元电力用户群体特性精准感知技术综述[J]. 电力系统bet365官网, 2023, Accepted.

(80)   葛磊蛟,赵康,孙永辉*,等. 基于孪生网络和长短时记忆网络结合的配电网短期负荷预测[J]. 电力系统bet365官网, 2021, 45(23):41-50.

(81)   葛磊蛟*, 刘航旭,赵康, . 面向商业和居民混合的配电网短期负荷预测HGWOCOA-LSTM方法[J]. bet365官网学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2021, 54(12): 1269-1279.

(82)   葛磊蛟*, 李元良, 陈艳波, . 智能配电网态势感知关键技术及实施效果评价[J]. 高电压技术, 2021, 47(7): 2269-2280.

(83)   葛磊蛟*,秦羽飞, 刘嘉恒, . 基于相似日与BA-WNN相结合的分布式光伏数据虚拟采集方法[J]. 电力bet365官网设备, 2021, 41(06): 8-16.

(84)   葛磊蛟*, 李元良, 汪宇倩. 智能配电网态势感知实现效果综合评估模型[J]. bet365官网学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 202053(11)1101-1111.

(85)   葛磊蛟,王守相,瞿海妮. 智能配用电大数据存储架构设计[J]. 电力bet365官网设备,201636(06):194-202.EI20162602544248

(86)   葛磊蛟,王守相,张明,等. 智能用电条件下用户用能管理与服务平台[J]. 电力bet365官网设备,201535(3):152-156. EI20151300692092

(87)   王继东,顾志成,葛磊蛟*,等. 改进萤火虫算法与K-means算法结合的配电网负荷聚类特性分析[J]. bet365官网学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2023, 网络首发.

(88)   黄文涛, 邓明辉, 葛磊蛟*, . 考虑配电网与氢燃料汽车耦合影响的制氢加氢站布点优化策略[J]. 高电压技术, 2022, 网络首发.

(89)   冯人海, 常燕燕,葛磊蛟*, . 基于可见光携能通信的线性迭代定位算法[J]. bet365官网学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2021, 54(04): 411-417.

(90)   车延博,郁舒雁,葛磊蛟*. 基于RS-IA数据挖掘的配电网故障定位模型[J]. 电力bet365官网设备,201737(5):122-128.

(91)   刘科研, 吕琛, 葛磊蛟*, . 基于最小二乘法的光伏电源电磁暂态输出预[J]. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 46(08): 81-90.

(92)   邓斌, 张楠, 王江, 葛磊蛟*. 基于LTC-RNN模型的中长期电力负荷预测方法[J]. bet365官网学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2022, 55(10): 1026-1033.



(1)      Leijiao Ge*, Hangxu Liu, Muhammad Umer Rafiq, Jun Yan, Yuanzheng Li. Complex affine model of line loss for distribution network considering line parameter uncertainty[J]. 2022 IEEE PES General Meeting, USA.

(2)      Leijiao Ge*, Jiaheng Liu, Tianshuo Du, Changwei Zhao, Ruijun Pian, Wei Liu. Size optimization of wind-PV-diesel-hydrogen-ice system for island microgrid[J]. 2022 IEEE PES General Meeting, USA.

(3)      Leijiao Ge*, Yuanliang Li, Jun Yan, Yao Wang, Feng Niu. Self-adaptive evaluation of hybrid AC/DC distribution network with multi-energy complementary systems[J]. 2021 IEEE PES General Meeting, USA.

(4)      Leijiao Ge, Yuanliang Li, Yiming Xian*, Yao Wang, Dong Liang, Jun Yan. A FA-GWO-GRNN method for short-term photovoltaic output prediction[J]. 2020 IEEE PES General Meeting, 1-5, Canada.

(5)      Leijiao Ge*, Shouxiang Wang, Xingyue Jiang. A combined interval AHP-entropy method for power user evaluation in smart electrical utilization systems[J]. 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Boston, MA, USA.

(6)      Leijiao Ge*, Shouxiang Wang Xianjun Ge. Framework design of cloud computing technology application in power system transient simulation[J]. 2014 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Conference, HongKong, China (APPEEC 2014).

(7)  Zhang Shuai, Bai Xingzhen, Leijiao Ge*, Jan Yan. Optimal configuration of energy storage system considering uncertainty of load and wind generation[J]. 2020 IEEE PES General Meeting, 2020:1-5.



(1)      Leijiao Ge, Jun Yan, Yonghui Sun, Zhongguan Wang. Situation Awareness for Smart Distribution Systems[M]. Energies, 2022.

(2)      白星振,葛磊蛟. 智能配电网状态估计与感知[M].中国电力出版社,2020.

(3)      Chunqiu Xia, Qiang Yang, Le Jiang, Leijiao Ge, Wei Li, Albert Y. Zomaya. Power Restoration Approach for Resilient Active Distribution Networks in the Presence of a Large-scale Power Blackout--Energy Internet[M]. Springer, Cham, 2020.

(4)      刘聪,葛磊蛟,迟福建. 综合管廊与电力电缆统筹规划与管理[M]. 中国电力出版社,2018.

(5)      Shouxiang Wang, Leijiao Ge, Kai Wang, Lei Wu. Economic operation of microgrid under uncertainty-Energy management of distribution generation system[M]. InTechOpen, 2016.



(1)      微电网规划设计评价导则 中国电力企业联合会标准 T/CEC 29.240.01

(2)      电容取电电源技术规范 中国能源研究会团体标准  T/CERS 0006-2020/ICS 29.200

(3)      Risk Identification and Evaluation of Smart Power Distribution System  IEEE P2749国际标准

(4)      高压直流输电控制保护系统状态评价技术规程  中国电力企业联合会标准

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(2)      一种离网风光氢冷能源系统优化配置方法,发明专利,ZL202110640714.9

(3)      一种分布式光伏和电动汽车接入不确定性的配电台区容量方法,发明专利, ZL201910065318.0

(4)      一种基于区间熵权法的用户用电设备能效评估方法,发明专利,ZL201410332102.3

(5)      基于pair-copula函数的微电网可靠性评估数据抽样方法,发明专利,ZL201410848222.9

(6)      一种面向城市配电网的电动汽车规划改进免疫速传算法,发明专利,ZL201510038714.6

(7)      一种使配电网络全天有功损耗最小的电容补偿方法,发明专利,ZL201510224616.1

(8)      一种使配电网络全天有功损耗最小的电容补偿系统,发明专利,ZL201510224617.6

(9)      一种高可靠性的配电网络联络点规划方法,发明专利,ZL201510471438.2

(10)   一种用户能源综合效益评价的平衡计分卡方法,发明专利,ZL201510591396.6

(11)   基于图论的区域冷热电综合能源优化配置方法及装置,发明专利,ZL201610824834.3

(12)   基于区间层次分析法的智能配电网调度控制效果评估方法,发明专利,ZL201711062619.5

(13)   一种提高电力系统新能源利用率且最小化发电成本的方法发明专利,ZL201810240523.1

(14)   一种对电源电网负荷三者之间进行相互协调优化的方法,发明专利,ZL201810240522.7

(15)   一种含新能源和温控负荷的区域电网动态需求响应方法,发明专利,ZL201810390079.1

(16)   一种基于GM(1,1)的智能电能表健康度趋势预测方法,发明专利,ZL201811213106.4

(17)   一种在线监测数字电能表计量准确性的装置,发明专利,ZL201811345426.5

(18)   一种基于SOA-WNN的光伏短期输出功率预测方法,发明专利,ZL201811072221.4

(19)   一种固定式光伏发电系统最佳倾角的大数据聚类分析方法,发明专利,ZL201810425988.4

(20)   分布式光伏接入配电网电能质量治理的节点灵敏度分析方法,发明专利,ZL201810947951.8

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(26)   一种分布式光伏电站功率数据虚拟采集方法,发明专利,ZL202011034270.6

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(3)      专业课程设计(本科生)

(4)      电子工艺实习(本科生)



(1)      2020年中国能源研究会能源创新奖(技术创新)一等奖, “基于数据驱动的智慧城市高可靠供电保障技术体系研究与应用”,(排名:1/10,bet365官网第一完成单位)

(2)      2020年天津市科学技术进步二等奖, “面向能源革命先锋城市的优质电力供应保障关键技术及工程应用”, (排名:1/8,bet365官网第一完成单位)

(3)      2020年中国电力建设科学技术进步二等奖, “能源先锋城市高品质供电保障技术及工程应用”,(排名:1/10

(4)      2020年中国能源研究会能源创新奖(技术创新)三等奖, “适应多元需求的用户侧综合能源接入设计、优化控制技术及工程应用”,(排名:1/7, bet365官网第一完成单位)

(5)      2021年天津市技术发明二等奖,“光伏制冷系统的优化控制技术”,(排名:2/8,bet365官网第一完成单位)

(6)      2022年天津市科技进步二等奖,“面向低碳安全发展的新能源电力系统协同规划与控制技术及应用”,(排名:2/8)

(7)      2020年天津市科技进步二等奖, “适应多元需求的用户侧综合能源接入设计、优化控制技术及工程应用”,(排名:2/8

(8)      2018年天津市科技进步二等奖,电动汽车充换电设施规划、控制与运营技术及工程应用,(排名:2/8

(9)      2022年中国电工技术学会科技进步二等奖,“新能源电力系统协同规划与主动支撑控制”,(排名:2/10,bet365官网第一完成单位)

(10)   2022年中国能源研究会能源创新奖(技术创新)二等奖,“城乡低碳电网全域感知与自律管控关键技术及应用”,(排名:2/10

(11)   2022年中国科技产业化促进会科技创新奖二等奖,“高比例新能源电力系统低碳绿色调控技术及应用”,(排名:2/8

(12)   2017年天津市科学技术进步三等奖,渔光互补的大型集中式光伏电站工程关键技术,(排名:2/5

(13)   2022年中国电工技术学会科技进步三等奖,“面向低碳弹性电网的智能感知与自主调控关键技术及应用”,(排名:2/7

(14)   2017年中国电力建设科学技术进步三等奖,渔光互补的大型集中式光伏电站工程关键技术,(排名:2/6

(15)   2022年中国可再生能源学会科技进步二等奖(技术创新),“新能源电力系统源储规划、稳定控制与电能质量提升技术及应用”,(排名:3/10,bet365官网第一完成单位)

(16)   2020年中国电力建设科学技术进步二等奖,电能计量装置运行状态在线监测与评估及应用,(排名:3/8

(17)   2017年中国电力建设科学技术进步三等奖,区域多微网规划评估技术工程应用,(排名:3/6

(18)   2021年天津市科技进步二等奖,“面向“双碳”目标的电网低碳绿色调控技术及应用”,(排名:4/8

(19)   2015年天津市科技进步三等奖,城市电网新能源消纳关键技术及其应用,(排名:4/5

(20)   2021年中国电工技术学会科技进步三等奖, “能源转型背景下电力系统绿色调控若干技术及应用”,(排名:4/7

(21)   2022年北京市科技进步二等奖,首都功能核心区数字化电力保障关键技术及产业化应用,(排名:5/10

(22)   2022年中国安全生产协会第三届安全科技进步奖一等奖,“主动配电网多源协调控制与电能质量提升关键技术及应用”,(排名:5/14

(23)   2022年天津市科技进步二等奖,“面向绿色低碳发展的城市电网运行风险评价与预防调控技术及应用”,(排名:6/8

(24)   2017年天津市科技进步一等奖,有源配电网电能质量监测与高品质供电关键技术及应用,(排名:9/12


(1)      2022年第二届全国高校电子信息类专业课程实验教学案例设计竞赛(RIGOL)国家二等奖/北部赛区一等奖,多功能炫彩音乐喷泉设计.

(2)      2022年天津市大学生信息技术“新工科”工程实践创新技术竞赛一等奖,智能车库监视及智能车载入库报警系统设计.

(3)      2022年华为杯第四届中国研究生人工智能创新大赛国家二等奖,非理想数据条件下大规模应用的全分离式智能垃圾桶.

(4)      2022年华为杯第四届中国研究生人工智能创新大赛优秀指导老师奖.

(5)      国家奖学金获得者:李元良、刘嘉恒,指导老师:葛磊蛟


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(18)   2021年《Energies》特刊编辑《Special I-Situation Awareness of Smart Distribution Network

(19)   2022年《IET Energy Systems Integration》特刊编辑《Dynamic Analysis, Control, and Situation Awareness of Power Systems with High Penetrations of Power Electronic Converters

(20)   2022年《Energies》特刊编辑《Special II-Situation Awareness of Smart Distribution Network

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