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(1) 2002.04 -至今 bet365官网电气bet365官网与信息工程学院,教授,博士生导师(2004)

(2) 2001.03-2002.04 东北石油大学地球物理系,系主任,教授

(3) 2000.03-2001.03 University of Huddersfield, UK, Research Associate

(4) 1998.09-2000.03 东北石油大学应用地球物理教研室,主任,副教授

(5) 1997.01-1998.09 东北石油大学应用地球物理教研室,讲师

(6) 1993.09-1997.01 浙江大学光科系测试计量技术与仪器专业学习,获工学博士学位

(7) 1984.09-1993.09 东北石油大学矿场地球物理(测井)教研室,助教,讲师,硕士生

(8) 1980.09-1984.09 东北石油大学矿场地球物理(测井)专业学习


(1) 先进传感技术与现代信息处理技术


(2) 油井多相流测井理论方法及其应用


(3) 石油工程多井型多介质复杂混相湍流实验测量技术



(1) 2016.01-2020.12国家自然科学基金项目(国家重大科研仪器研制)(No. 51527805):“油井油气水三相流产出剖面测井仪器研制”,项目负责人。

(2) 2016.01-2019.12国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 11572220):“油水两相流湍流液滴拟序结构不稳定性分析”,项目负责人。

(3) 2012.01-2015.12国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 41174109):“低渗低产高含水油井流动参数测量方法研究”,项目负责人。

(4) 2010.01-2012.12国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 50974095):“水平油水两相流电导及电容阵列传感器组合测量新方法研究”,项目负责人。

(5) 2007.01-2009.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 50674070):“倾斜油水两相流多场耦合测量信息获取及多尺度非线性特性研究”,项目负责人。

(6) 2004.01-2006.12国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 60374041):“纵向多极阵列电导式非集流两相流测量方法研究”,项目负责人。

(7) 2011.01-2015.12 “十二五”国家重大科技专项:“油气田开发动态监测测井系列技术与装备:多相流流动特性及解释方法研究与软件编制”(No. 2011ZX05020-006),课题负责人。

(8) 2008.01-2010.12国家高技术研究发展计划项目(No. 2007AA06Z231):“水平井产液剖面测试技术:水平及近水平油水两相流流动特性及其测井资料解释方法研究”,课题负责人。

(9) 2007-2008大庆油田有限责任公司科研项目:“基于集流测量方式的水平井产液剖面测井解释方法研究”,项目负责人。

(10) 2006-2007大庆油田有限责任公司科研项目:“聚合物溶液在管流中流态研究及流场计算”,项目负责人。

(11) 2003-2005教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目:“非集流型油水两相流流量测量方法研究”,项目负责人。

(12) 2002-2005bet365官网“面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划”建设项目(引进人才类):“复杂混相流体流型检测及其流动特性研究”,项目负责人。

(13) 2002-2003黑龙江省教育厅科学研究项目:“垂直上升管中油水两相流流动特性研究”,项目负责人。

(14) 2000-2001 University of Huddersfield (UK)与英国Sondex公司联合研发项目:“Measurement of the properties of oil-water flows in vertical and inclined oil wells”,项目主要参加人(Research Associate)。

(15) 1998-2000中国石油天然气集团公司“九五”重点科技攻关项目:“生产测井配套技术:遥测三相流测井资料解释方法研究”,项目负责人。

(16) 1994-1997中国石油天然气集团公司“八五”重点科技攻关项目:“三相流(集流)生产测井解释方法研究”,项目负责人。

(17) 1989-1991大庆石油管理局“七五”科技攻关项目:“油井多相流理论模型研究”,项目负责人。



(1) Lu-Sheng Zhai , Panagiota Angeli , Ning-De Jin*, Da-Shi Zhou, Lei Zhu, The nonlinear analysis of horizontal oil-water two-phase flow in a small diameter pipe,International Journal of Multiphase Flow,2017, 92: 39-49

(2) Q.Y. Yang, Y.F. Han, W.X. Liu, H.X. Zhang, Y.Y. Ren, N.D. Jin*, Investigation on the effect of polymer in vertical oil-water two-phase flow using nonlinear analysis,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017, 80: 1-18

(3) Lu-Sheng Zhai, Xiao-Yan Li, Peng Bian, Ning-De Jin*, Measurement of droplet sizes in bubbly oil-in-water flows using a fluid-sampling device,Measurement, 2017, 102: 296-308

(4) Lu-Sheng Zhai, Yan-Bo Zong, Hong-Mei Wang, Cong Yan, Zhong-Ke Gao, Ning-De Jin*, Characterization of flow pattern transitions for horizontal liquid–liquid pipe flows by using multi-scale distribution entropy in coupled 3D phase space,PhysicaA, 2017, 469 :136-147

(5) Hongmei Wang, Lusheng Zhai*, Ningde Jin and Youchen Wang, Multi-scale symbolic time reverse analysis of gas–liquid two-phase flow structures,International Journal of Modern PhysicsC, 2017, 28(1): 1750007

(6) Hongxin Zhang, Lusheng Zhai*, Yunfeng Han, Xuan Chen, Zhongke Gao, and Ningde Jin, Response characteristics of coaxial capacitance sensor for horizontal segregated and non-uniform oil-water two-phase flows,IEEE Sensors Journal,2017, 17(2):359-368

(7) Xuan Chen, Yun-Feng Han, Ying-Yu Ren*, Hong-Xin Zhang, Hao Zhang, Ning-De Jin, Water holdup measurement of oil-water two-phase flow with low velocity using a coaxial capacitance sensor,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017,81:244-255.

(8) Cong Yan, Lu-Sheng Zhai*, Hong-Xin Zhang, Hong-Mei Wang, Ning-De Jin, Cross-correlation analysis of interfacial wave and droplet entrainment in horizontal liquid-liquid two-phase flows,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 320: 416-426

(9) Y.F. Han, A. Zhao, H.X. Zhang, Y.Y. Ren, W.X. Liu, N.D. Jin*, Differential pressure method for measuring water holdup of oil-water two-phase flow with low velocity and high water-cut,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2016,72:197-209.

(10) Lu-Sheng Zhai, Peng Bian, Yun-Feng Han, Zhong-Ke Gao and Ning-De Jin*, The measurement of gas–liquid two-phase flows in a small diameter pipe using a dual-sensor multi-electrode conductance probe,Measurement Science and Technology,2016,27: 045101 (19pp)

(11) Lian-Xin Zhuang, Ning-De Jin*, An Zhao, Zhong-Ke Gao*, Lu-Sheng Zhai, Yi Tang. Nonlinear multi-scale dynamic stability of oil-gas-water three-phase flow in vertical upward pipe,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 302: 595-608

(12) Lu-Sheng Zhai, Peng Bian, Zhong-Ke Gao, Ning-De Jin*, The measurement of local flow parameters for gas-liquid two-phase bubbly flows using a dual-sensor probe array,Chemical Engineering Science,2016,144:346-363

(13) W.X. Liu, N.D. Jin*, Y.F. Han, L.S. Zhai*, X. Chen , H.X. Zhang, Effects of flow patterns and salinity on water holdup measurement of oil-water two-phase flow using a conductance method,Measurement, 2016, 93: 503-514

(14) Zheng Gong, An Zhao, Lu-Sheng Zhai, Ying-Yu Ren, Ning-De Jin*, Ultrasonic method for measuring the gas holdup of gas-liquid bubbly flow in a small-diameter pipe,Korean J. Chem. Eng., 2016,33(4): 1170-1180

(15) Wang Z. Q., Han Y. F., Ren Y. Y., Zhao A., Jin N. D.*, A scaling exponent for indicating the non-homogenous distribution of oil droplet in vertical oil-water two-phase flows,Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 141:104-118.

(16) Yi Tang, An Zhao, Ying-yu Ren, Fu-Xiang Dou, Ning-De Jin*, Gas-liquid two-phase flow structure in the multi-scale weighted complexity entropy causality plane,PhysicaA,2016, 449: 324-335

(17) Enyang Lian, Yingyu Ren*, Yunfeng Han, Weixin Liu, Ningde Jin and Junying Zhao. Multi-scale morphological analysis of conductance signals in vertical upward gas-liquid two-phase flow,Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A- Journal of Physical Sciences, 2016, 71(11): 1031-1052.

(18) Zhaoqi Yin, Yunfeng Han, Yingyu Ren, Qiuyi Yang and Ningde Jin*, Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of oil-in-water emulsions,Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A- Journal of Physical Sciences, 2016, 71(8): 715-730.

(19) An Zhao, Ning-de Jin*, Ying-yu Ren, Lei Zhu and Xia Yang, Multi-scale long range magnitude and sign correlations in vertical upward oil-gas-water three-phase flow,Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A- Journal of Physical Sciences, 2016, 71(1)a: 33-43

(20) Zhao An, Han Yun-Feng, Ren Ying-Yu, Zhai Lu-Sheng, and Jin Ning-De*, Ultrasonic method for measuring water holdup of low velocity and high-water-cut oil-water two-phase flow,Applied Geophysics, 2016, 13(1):179-193

(21) Zhongke Gao*, Yuxuan Yang, Lusheng Zhai, Ningde Jin, and Guanrong Chen, A Four-sector conductance method for measuring and characterizing low-velocity oil-water two-phase flows,IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement,2016, 65(7):1690-1697

(22) Zhong-Ke Gao, Yu-Xuan Yang, Lu-Sheng Zhai, Mei-Shuang Ding, Ning-De Jin*, Characterizing slug to churn flow transition by using multivariate pseudo Wigner distribution and multivariate multiscale entropy,Chemical Engineering Journal,2016,291: 74-81

(23) Zhai Lu-Sheng Jin Ning-De*, Multi-scale cross-correlation characteristics of void fraction wave propagation for gas-liquid two-phase flows in small diameter pipe,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2016, 65(1): 010501

(24) Gao Z K, Zhang S S, Cai Q, Yang Y Y, Jin N D*, Complex network analysis of phase dynamics underlying oil-water two-phase flows,Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:28151.

(25) Lusheng Zhai, Ningde Jin*, Zhongke Gao, Zhenya Wang, Liquid holdup measurement with double helix capacitance sensor in horizontal oil-water two-phase flow pipes,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, 23: 268-275

(26) Lu-Sheng Zhai, Ning-De Jin*, Yan-Bo Zong, Qing-Yang Hao, Zhong-Ke Gao, Experimental flow pattern map, slippage and time–frequency representation of oil-water two-phase flow in horizontal small diameter pipes,International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2015, 76:168-186.

(27) Zhong-Ke Gao*, Mei-Shuang Ding, He Geng, Ning-De Jin*, Multivariate multiscale entropy analysis of horizontal oil-water two-phase flow,Physica A,2015,417:7-17

(28) Chen X, Jin N D*, Zhao A, Gao Z K, Zhai L S, The experimental signals analysis for bubbly oil-in-water flow using multi-scale weighted-permutation entropy,PhysicaA, 2015, 417: 230-244

(29) Gao Z K*, Yang Y X, Zhai L S, Dang W D, Yu J L, Jin N D*, Multivariate multiscale complex network analysis of vertical upward oil-water two-phase flow in a small diameter pipe,Scientific Reports, 2015, 6:20052.

(30) Ding M S, Jin N D, Gao Z K*, Modality transition-based network from multivariate time series for characterizing horizontal oil-water flow patterns,International Journal of Modern PhysicsC, 2015, 26(3):1550034

(31) Zhong-Ke Gao*, Yu-Xuan Yang, Peng-Cheng Fang, Ning-De Jin, Cheng-Yi Xia & Li-Dan Hu, Multi-frequency complex network from time series for uncovering oil-water flow structure,Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 8222

(32) Jun-Ying Zhao, Ning-De Jin*, Zhong-Ke Gao, Meng Du, Zhen-Ya Wang, Attractor comparison analysis for characterizing vertical upward oil-gas-water three-phase flow,Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23 (3): 034702.

(33) An Zhao, Ning-De Jin*, Lu-Sheng Zhai, Zhong-Ke Gao, Liquid holdup measurement in horizontal oil-water two-phase flow by using concave capacitance sensor,Measurement, 2014, 49: 153-163

(34) Lu-Sheng Zhai, Ning-De Jin*, Zhong-Ke Gao, An Zhao, Lei Zhu, Cross-correlation velocity measurement of horizontal oil-water two-phase flow by using parallel-wire capacitance probe,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2014,53: 277-289

(35) Dou Fu-Xiang, Jin Ning-De*, Fan Chun-Ling, Gao Zhong-Ke and Sun Bin, Multi-scale complexity entropy causality plane: An intrinsic measure for indicating two-phase flow structures,Chin. Phys. B,2014, 23(12): 120502

(36) Hao Qing-Yang, Jin Ning-De*, Han Yun-Feng, Gao Zhong-Ke, Zhai Lu-Sheng, Multi-scale time asymmetry for detecting the breakage of slug flow structure,Chinese Physics Letters, 2014, 31(12):120501

(37) Zhu Lei, Jin Ningde*, Gao Zhongke and Zong Yanbo, Multifractal analysis of inclined oil-water,Petroleum Science, 2014,11:111-121

(38) Gao Zhong-Ke, Xin-Wang Zhang, Ning-De Jin*, Norbert Marwan, Jürgen Kurths, Multivariate recurrence network analysis for characterizing horizontal oil-water two-phase flow,Physical Review E, 2013, 88(3): 032910

(39) Gao Zhong-Ke*, Xin-Wang Zhang, Ning-De Jin, Reik V. Donner, Norbert Marwan, Jürgen Kurths, Recurrence network from multivariate signals for uncovering dynamic behavior of horizontal oil-water stratified flows,Europhysics Letters, 2013, 103:50004

(40) Gao Zhong-Ke, Ning-De Jin*, Uncovering dynamic behaviors underlying experimental oil-water two-phase flow based on dynamic segmentation algorithm,PhysicaA, 2013, 392(5): 1180-1187

(41) Gao Zhong-Ke, Xin-Wang Zhang, Meng Du, Ning-De Jin*, Recurrence network analysis of experimental signals from bubbly oil-in-water flows,Physics LettersA,2013,377 (6):457-462

(42) Xin-Wang Zhang, Ning-De Jin*, Zhong-Ke Gao, Lu-Sheng Zhai, Local property of recurrence network for investigating gas-liquid two-phase flow characteristics,Chinese Physics Letters,2013, 30(5): 050501

(43) Chun-Ling Fan, Ning-De Jin*, Xiu-Ting Chen, Zhong-Ke Gao, Multi-scale permutation entropy: a complexity measure for discriminating two-phase flow dynamics,Chinese Physics Letters, 2013, 30(9): 090501

(44) Gao Zhong-Ke, Li-Dan Hu, Ning-De Jin*, Markov transition probability-based network from time series for characterizing experimental two-phase flow,Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(5): 050507

(45) Lu-Sheng Zhai, Ning-De Jin*, Zhong-Ke Gao, Zhen-Ya Wang, De-Ming Li, The ultrasonic measurement of high water volume fraction in dispersed oil-in-water flows,Chemical Engineering Science,2013, 94: 271-283

(46) Lu-Sheng Zhai, Ning-De Jin*, Zhong-Ke Gao, Xu Huang, The finite element analysis for parallel-wire capacitance probe in small diameter two-phase flow pipe,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013, 21 (7): 813-819

(47) Lidan Hu, Ningde Jin, Zhongke Gao*, Characterization of horizontal gas-liquid two phase flow using Markov model-based complex network,International Journal of Modern PhysicsC, 2013, 24(5):50028.

(48) Gao Zhongke, Hu Lidan, Zhou Tingting, Jin Ningde*, Limited penetrable visibility graph from two-phase flow for investigating flow pattern dynamics,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2013, 62(11): 110507.

(49) Zhao Jun-Ying, Jin Ning-De*, Gao Zhong-Ke, Detecting unstable periodic orbits from oil-gas-water three-phase slug flows,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2013, 62(8): 084701.

(50) Lu-Sheng Zhai, Ning-De Jin*, Yan-Bo Zong, Zhen-Ya Wang, Ming Gu, The development of a conductance method for measuring liquid holdup in horizontal oil-water two-phase flows,Measurement Science and Technology, 2012, 23: 02530

(51) Lei Zhu, Ning-De Jin*, Zhong-Ke Gao, Meng Du, Zhen-Ya Wang, Testing for nonlinearity of vertical upward oil-gas-water three-phase bubble and slug flows,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2012, 20(5): 870-882

(52) Gao Zhong-Ke, Ning-De Jin*, A directed weighted complex network for characterizing chaotic dynamics from time series,Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications, 2012, 13(2): 947-952

(53) Meng Du, Ning-De Jin*, Zhong-Ke Gao, Zhen-Ya Wang, Lu-Sheng Zhai, Flow pattern and water holdup measurements of vertical upward oil-water two-phase flow in small diameter pipes,International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2012, 41: 91-105

(54) Meng Du, Ning-De Jin*, Zhong-Ke Gao, Bin Sun, Analysis of total energy and time-frequency entropy of gas-liquid two-phase flow pattern,Chemical Engineering Science, 2012, 82:144-158

(55) Gao Zhong-Ke, Meng Du, Li-Dan Hu, Ting-Ting Zhou, Ning-De Jin*, Visibility graphs from experimental three-phase flow for characterizing dynamic flow behavior,International Journal of Modern PhysicsC, 2012, 23(10): 1250069

(56) Zhong-Ke Gao, Ning-De Jin*, Characterization of chaotic dynamic behavior in the gas-liquid slug flow using directed weighted complex network analysis,PhysicaA, 2012, 391(10): 3005-3016

(57) Gao Zhong-Ke, Ning-De Jin*, Scaling analysis of phase fluctuations in experimental three-phase flows,PhysicaA, 2011, 390(20): 3541-3550

(58) Zhai Lu-Sheng, Jin Ning-De*, Zheng Xi-Ke, Xie Rong-Hua, Liu Xing-Bin, The analysis and modeling of measuring data acquired by using combination production logging tool in horizontal simulation well,Chinese Journal of Geophysics(in Chinese), 2012, 55(4):1411-1421.

(59) Ma Wen-Cong, Jin Ning-De*, Gao Zhong-Ke, Detecting unstable periodic orbits from continuous chaotic dynamical systems by dynamical transformation method,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2012, 61(17):170510

(60) Gao Zhong-Ke, Jin Ning-De*, Yang Dan, Zhai Lu-Sheng, Du Meng, Complex networks from multivariate time series for characterizing nonlinear dynamics of two-phase flow patterns,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2012, 61(12):120510

(61) Zhou Ting-Ting, Jin Ning-De*, Gao Zhong-Ke, Luo Yue-Bin, Limited penetrable visibility graph for establishing complex network from time series,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2012, 61(3):030506

(62) Du Meng, Jin Ning-De*, Gao Zhong-Ke, Zhu Lei, Wang Zhen-Ya, Multiscale permutation entropy analysis of oil-in-water type two-phase flow pattern,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2012, 61(23):230507

(63) Zhao Jun-Ying, Jin Ning-De*, Dynamic characteristics of multivariate graph centrobaric trajectory in phase space of two-phase flow,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2012, 61(9):094701

(64) Zhong-Ke Gao, Ning-De Jin*, Nonlinear characterization of oil-gas-water three-phase flow in complex networks,Chemical Engineering Science, 2011, 66(12): 2660-2671

(65) Lei Zhu, Ning-De Jin*, Zhong-Ke Gao, Yan-Bo Zong, Multi-scale cross entropy analysis for inclined oil-water two-phase countercurrent flow patterns,Chemical Engineering Science, 2011, 66(23): 6099-6108

(66) Gao Z K*, Jin N D. Scaling analysis of phase fluctuations in experimental three-phase flows,PhysicaA, 2011, 390(20):3541-3550.

(67) Zhai L S, Jin N D*, Gao Z K, et al. Gas-liquid two phase flow pattern evolution characteristics based on detrended fluctuation analysis,MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India, 2011, 26(3):255-265.

(68) Wenyin Zhang*, Frank Y. Shih, Ningde Jin, Yinfeng Liu, Recognition of gas-liquid two-phase flow patterns based on improved local binary pattern operator,International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2010, 36:793-793.

(69) Wang Zhenya, Jin Ningde*, Gao Zhongke, Zong Yanbo, Nonlinear dynamical analysis of large diameter vertical upward oil-gas-water three-phase flow pattern characteristics,Chemical Engineering Science, 2010, 65(18):5226-5236.

(70) Gao Zhongke, Jin Ningde*, Wang Wenxu, Lai Yingcheng, Motif distributions in phase-space networks for characterizing experimental two-phase flow patterns with chaotic features,Physical ReviewE, 2010, 82: 016210

(71) Gao Zhongke, Jin Ningde*, Wang Wenxu, Lai Yingcheng, Phase characterization of experimental gas-liquid two-phase flows,Physics Letters A, 2010,374:4014-4017

(72) Y B Zong, N D Jin*, Z Y Wang, Z K Gao, C Wang, Nonlinear dynamic analysis of large diameter inclined oil-water two phase flow pattern,International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2010, 36(3): 166-183.

(73) Gao Zhong-Ke and Jin Ning-De*, Flow pattern identification and nonlinear dynamics of gas-liquid two phase flow in complex networks,Physical Review E, 2009,79: 066303. (SCI)

(74) Gao Z K, Jin N D*.Complex network from time series based on phase space reconstruction.CHAOS, 2009, 19: 033137

(75) G B Zheng and N D Jin*, Multiscale entropy and dynamic characteristics of two-phase flow patterns,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2009, 58(7): 4485-4492

(76) Gao, Z. K. and Jin, N. D*. Complex network analysis in inclined oil-water two-phase flow.Chinese PhysicsB, 2009, 18: 5249-5258.

(77) Z Y Wang, N D Jin*, Y B Zong, Z H Wang and T Wang, Multiscale entropy analysis of oil-gas-water three phase flow patterns in vertical upward pipe,Chinese Journal of Geophysics(in Chinese),2009, 52(9): 2377-2386

(78) Y B Zong, N D Jin*, Z Y Wang, Z H Wang, The perimeter measure analysis of chaotic attractor morphology of inclined oil-water two phase flow patterns,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2009, 58(11): 7544-7551

(79) Gui-Bo Zheng, Ning-De Jin*, Xiao-Hui Jia, Peng-Ju Lv, Xing-Bin Liu,Gas-liquid two phase flow measurement method based on combination instrument of turbine flowmeter and conductance sensor,International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2008, 34(11): 1031-1047.

(80) Gao Z K and Jin N D*, Complex network community structure of two phase flow pattern and its statistical characteristics,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2008,57(11): 6909-6919

(81) Dong F, Jin N D*, Zong Y B and Wang Z Y , Multi-scale recurrence quantification analysis of the dynamic characteristics of two phase flow pattern,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese),2008,57(10): 6145-6154

(82) N D Jin*, Z Xin, J Wang, Z Y Wang, X H Jia and WP Chen,Design and geometry optimization of a conductivity probe with a vertical multiple electrode array for measuring volume fraction and axial velocity of two-phase flow,Measurement Science and Technology, 2008, 045403,19pp

(83) Zong Y B and Jin N D*, Multi-scale recurrence plot analysis of inclined oil-water two phase flow structure based on conductance fluctuation signals,The European Physical Journal-Special Topics, 2008, 164:165-177

(84) Fang L D*,Tao Z,Jin N D, A comparison of correlations used for Venturi wet gas metering in oil and gas industry,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2007,57(3-4): 247-256

(85) Jin N D*, Dong F and Zhao S, The complexity measure analysis of conductance fluctuation signals of gas-liquid two phase flow and its flow pattern characterization,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2007,56(2): 720-729

(86) Xiao N and Jin N D*, Research on flow pattern classification method of two phase flow based on chaotic attractor morphological characteristic,Acta Physica Sinica(in Chinese), 2007,56(9): 5149-5157

(87) Jin N D*, Zheng G B, Hu L Y, Chaotic characteristic analysis of conductance signals of gas-liquid two-phase flow in vertical upward pipe.Chinese Journal of Geophysics(in Chinese), 2006, 49(5): 1552-1560

(88) Jin N D*, Nie X B, Ren Y Y and Liu X B,Characterization of oil-water two-phase flow patterns based on nonlinear time series analysis,Flow Measurement and Instrumentation,2003,14, Issues 4-5:169-175.

(89) Jin N D*, Nie X B, Wang J and Ren Y Y , Flow pattern identification of oil-water two phase flow based on kinematic wave theory,Flow Measurement and Instrumentation,14, Issues 4-5,2003,177-182.

(90) Lucas G P*and Jin N D, A new kinematic wave model for interpreting cross correlation velocity measurements in vertically upward, bubbly oil in water flows,Measurement Science and Technology, 2001,12(8):1538-1545

(91) G. P. Lucas*and N. D. Jin, Investigation of a drift velocity model for predicting oil and water superficial velocities in inclined oil in water pipe flows with a center body,Measurement Science and Technology, 2001, 12(8): 1546-1554.

(92) G. P. Lucas*and N. D. Jin, Measurement of the homogeneous velocity of inclined oil in water flows using a resistance cross correlation flow meter,Measurement Science and Technology,2001, 12(8): 1529-1537.

(93) Jin N D*, Wang W W, Ren Y Y, Zhong X F and Tian S X, Fractal and chaotic characteristics of oil-gas-water three phase bubble flow pattern,Chinese Journal of Geophysics(in Chinese), 2001, 44 (Z1): 266-274


(1) 《bet365官网》,金宁德,高忠科编著,bet365官网出版社(研究生创新人才培养系列教材),2017.1

(2) 《bet365官网》,Zhongke Gao, Ningde Jin, Wenxu Wang, Springer Briefs in Applied Sciences and Technology-Multiphase Flow (Series editors: Lixin Cheng, Dieter Mews), 2014.1

(3) 《bet365官网》编委(撰写章节:多相流流量测量技术,p422-477),主编:王池,副主编:王自和、张宝珠、孙淮清,化学工业出版社(“十二五”国家重点图书),2012.6

(4) 《bet365官网》(撰写章节:5、6、12章),主编:蔺景龙,石油工业出版社,1997

(5) 《bet365官网app下载》编委,石油工业出版社,1996


(1) 两相流流体取样器,发明专利,专利号:201410314787.9(第2完成人)

(2) 一种油滴尺寸测量方法,发明专利,专利号:201410315383.1(第2完成人)

(3) 一种用于两相流检测的四扇区分布式电导传感器,发明专利,专利号:2014100333387(第2完成人)

(4) 一种分布式电导传感器的结构参数优化方法,发明专利,专利号:2014100333372(第2完成人)

(5) 一种基于分布式电导传感器的两相流测量系统,发明专利,专利号:2014100339415(第2完成人)

(6) 基于模态迁移复杂网络的气液相含率测量及验证方法,发明专利,专利号:2014102291181(第2完成人)

(7) 基于频率复杂网络的垂直油水相含率测量及验证方法,发明专利,专利号:2014102287186(第2完成人)

(8) 基于多元相空间复杂网络的油水相含率测量及验证方法,发明专利,专利号:2014102287190(第3完成人)


(1) 本科生课程:现代信息处理技术(2030342);多相流检测技术(2030412)

(2) 硕士生课程:非线性信息处理技术(S203G016);多相流传感技术与流体流动(S2035001)

(3) 博士生课程:多相流测试技术(B203E020)


(1) 1991:“油井多相流理论模型研究”获大庆石油管理局科技进步三等奖

(2) 1999:“三相流(集流)生产测井解释方法”获中国石油天然气集团公司科技进步二等奖

(3) 2000:“勘查技术与工程专业人才培养方案及教学内容体系改革的研究与实践”(教育部面向21世纪高等教育改革项目)获中国石油天然气集团公司教学成果一等奖

(4) 2000:第五届黑龙江省青年科技奖

(5) 2001:“生产测井配套技术”获中国石油天然气集团公司技术创新二等奖

(6) 2003:黑龙江省优秀科技工作者

(7) 2010:bet365官网“教书育人”先进工作者

(8) 2013:教育部全国优秀博士学位论文提名论文指导教师

(9) 2015:天津市教育系统劳动竞赛“示范岗”先进个人


(1) 2005-至今:《bet365官网app下载》编委(Elsevier, SCI刊)

(2) 2009-至今:《bet365官网》编委(Springer, SCI刊)

(3) 2013-至今:《bet365官网》编委(Hindawi , SCI刊)

(4) 2010-至今:《bet365官网app下载》编委(Inderscience)

(5) 2001-至今:《bet365官网》编委

(6) 2005-至今:《bet365官网》编委

(7) 2007-至今:中国计量测试学会流量测量专业委员会委员

(8) 1999-2002:石油高校勘查技术与工程专业教学指导委员会委员

(9) Guest Editor:《bet365官网app下载》, Special Issue, 2012 (7th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, Tianjin, China, September, 2011).撰写专辑社论(Editorial):“Measurement techniques for multiphase flows” by Yong Yan and Ningde Jin

(10) Guest Editor:《bet365官网app下载》, Special Issue, 2014 (8th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, Guangzhou, China, December, 2013).

(11) Keynote Speech(40 minutes): “Flow pattern, water holdup, and local flow characteristics measurements in horizontal oil-water two-phase flow pipes” (7th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, Tianjin, China, September, 2011)

(12) Scientific Committee Member

1) International Symposium on Advanced Fluid/Solid Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, 2008, Taiwan

2) International Symposium on Advanced Fluid/Solid Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, 2009, Japan

3) The 7th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows,2011, China

4) 25th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering 2012, Huddersfield, UK

5) International Conference of Multiphase Flow, May, 2013, Jeju, Korea

(13) 2008-2012:天津市政协第十二届委员

(14) 2013-2017:天津市第十六届人大代表

(15) 2016-至今:bet365官网教代会执委,校教代会民主监督委员会主任委员

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