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(1) 2017.07-至今 bet365官网bet365官网系,副教授,硕士生导师/博士生导师

(2) 2019.06-2019.08 University College London,化学工程学院,访问学者(单位公派)

(3) 2013.02-2017.06 bet365官网bet365官网系,讲师,硕士生导师

(4) 2015.08-2016.08 University College London,化学工程学院,访问学者(国家公派)

(5) 2008.09-2013.01 bet365官网控制科学与工程专业,工学硕士及博士学位


(1) 先进传感技术与传感系统


(2) 现代信息处理技术


(3) 油气井动态测井方法及理论


(4) 多相流激光测试技术


(5) 微流体及微流控技术



(1) 2020.01-2023.12国家自然科学基金面上项目:“页岩气水平井产出剖面声电传感器组合测井方法研究”,项目负责人

(2) 2019.04-2022.03天津市自然科学基金面上项目:“基于声电多源阵列传感模式的水平页岩气井流动参数测量新方法”,项目负责人

(3) 2018.04-2020.04横向项目:“管柱式气液分离器旋流液膜厚度测量系统开发”,项目负责人

(4) 2019.04-2020.09横向项目:“网式层析成像仪”,项目负责人

(5) 2016.01-2018.12国家自然科学基金青年项目(No.41504104):“基于阻抗网络旋转场相特性的水平井复杂流体测量新方法”,项目负责人

(6) 2014.04-2017.03天津市自然科学基金青年项目(No.14JCQNJC04200):“水平油水两相流分布式多极阵列传感器测量方法研究”,项目负责人

(7) 2014.01-2016.12教育部博士学科点专项科研基金(No.20130032120042):“水平油水两相流双连续相介质流动参数测量方法研究”,项目负责人

(8) 2017.01-2018.12bet365官网“北洋学者-青年骨干教师计划”人才类项目,项目负责人

(9) 2017.01-2017.12bet365官网“应用技术-创新”颠覆性自主创新项目,项目负责人

(10) 2016.01-2020.12国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目(No.51527805):“油井油气水三相流产出剖面测井仪器研制”,主要参加人

(11) 2011.01-2015.12十二五国家重大科技专项(No.2011ZX05020-006):“油气田开发动态监测测井系列技术与装备”,主要参加人



(1) L. Zhai, J. Yang, Topological causality analysis of horizontal gas-liquid flows based on cross map of phase spaces, Physics Letters A, 384 (2020) 126693.

(2) L. Zhai, Z. Meng, J. Yang, H. Zhang, N. Jin, Detection of interfacial structures in inclined liquid-liquid flows using parallel-wire array probe and planar laser-induced fluorescence methods, Sensors, 20 (2020) 3159.

(3) L. Zhai, H. Zhang, N. Jin, Prediction of pressure drop for segregated oil-water flows in small diameter pipe using modified two-fluid model, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 114 (2020) 110078.

(4) L. Zhai, Y. Wu, J. Yang, H. Xie, Reconstruction of Taylor bubbles in slug flow using a direct-image multi-electrode conductance sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, (2020) 1-1.

(5) H. Zhang, L. Zhai*, R. Liu, C. Yan, N. Jin, Prediction of curved oil–water interface in horizontal pipes using modified model with dynamic contact angle, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28 (2020) 698-711.

(6) L. Zhai, N. Jin, Y. Zhou, H. Zhang, A Method Based on Parallel-wire Conductivity Probe for Measuring Water Holdup in Near-horizontal Oil-water Two-phase Flow Pipes, IET Science, Measurement & Technology, Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2020.

(7) L. Zhai, H. Xie, J. Yang, Y. Wu, X. Lu, Characterizing dynamics of swirling film in gas–liquid cylindrical cyclone separator using multi-scale entropy analysis, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 0 (2019) 2050001.

(8) L. Zhai, Y. Wu, J. Yang, H. Xie, Characterizing initiation of gas–liquid churn flows using coupling analysis of multivariate time series, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 540 (2020) 123099.

(9) L. Zhai, J. Yang, Z. Meng, Detection of transient gas-liquid flow structures in horizontal shale gas well using wire-mesh sensor, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 72 (2019) 103013.

(10) L. Zhai, R. Liu, H. Zhang, N. Jin, Complex admittance detection of horizontal oil-water two-phase flows using a capacitance sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, 19 (2019) 7489-7498.

(11) L. Zhai, H. Zhang, C. Yan, N. Jin, Measurement of oil–water interface characteristics in horizontal pipe using a conductance parallel-wire array probe, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 68 (2019) 3232-3243.

(12) C. Yan, L.S. Zhai*, H.X. Zhang, H.M. Wang, N.D. Jin, Cross-correlation analysis of interfacial wave and droplet entrainment in horizontal liquid-liquid two-phase flows, Chemical Engineering Journal, 320 (2017) 416-426.

(13) L.S. Zhai, Y.B. Zong, H.M. Wang, C. Yan, Z.K. Gao, N.D. Jin, Characterization of flow pattern transitions for horizontal liquid–liquid pipe flows by using multi-scale distribution entropy in coupled 3D phase space, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 469 (2017) 136-147.

(14) L. Zhai, N. Jin, Y. Zong, Q. Hao, Z. Gao, Experimental flow pattern map, slippage and time–frequency representation of oil–water two-phase flow in horizontal small diameter pipes, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 76 (2015) 168-186.

(15) L. Zhai, R. Liu, H. Zhang, N. Jin, Instability of horizontal oil-water flows based on the signal-dependent complex admittance representations, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 103 (2019) 337-346.

(16) L. Zhai, P. Bian, Z. Gao, N. Jin, The measurement of local flow parameters for gas–liquid two-phase bubbly flows using a dual-sensor probe array, Chemical Engineering Science, 144 (2016) 346-363.

(17) L.-S. Zhai, R.-Y. Liu, Local detrended cross-correlation analysis for non-stationary time series, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 513 (2019) 222-233.

(18) H. Zhang, L. Zhai*, C. Yan, H. Wang, N. Jin, Capacitive Phase Shift Detection for Measuring Water Holdup in Horizontal Oil–Water Two-Phase Flow, Sensors, 18 (2018) 2234.

(19) L.S. Zhai, H.M. Wang, C. Yan, H.X. Zhang, N.D. Jin, Development of empirical correlation to predict droplet size of oil-in-water flows using a multi-scale Poincaré plot, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 98 (2018) 290-302.

(20) H. Wang, L. Zhai*, N. Jin, Y. Wang, Multi-scale symbolic time reverse analysis of gas–liquid two-phase flow structures, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 28 (2017) 1750007.

(21) L.-S. Zhai, P. Angeli, N.-D. Jin, D.-S. Zhou, L. Zhu, The nonlinear analysis of horizontal oil-water two-phase flow in a small diameter pipe, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 92 (2017) 39-49.

(22) L.-S. Zhai, X.-Y. Li, P. Bian, N.-D. Jin, Measurement of droplet sizes in bubbly oil-in-water flows using a fluid-sampling device, Measurement, 102 (2017) 296-308.

(23) H. Zhang, L. Zhai*, Y. Han, X. Chen, Z. Gao, N. Jin, Response Characteristics of Coaxial Capacitance Sensor for Horizontal Segregated and Non-Uniform Oil-Water Two-Phase Flows, IEEE Sensors Journal, 17 (2017) 359-368.

(24) W.X. Liu, N.D. Jin, Y.F. Han, L.S. Zhai*, X. Chen, H.X. Zhang, Effects of flow patterns and salinity on water holdup measurement of oil-water two-phase flow using a conductance method, Measurement, 93 (2016) 503-514.

(25) L. Zhai, N. Jin, Y. Zong, Z. Wang, M. Gu, The development of a conductance method for measuring liquid holdup in horizontal oil-water two-phase flows, Measurement Science and Technology, 23 (2012) 025304.

(26) L.-S. Zhai, N.-D. Jin, Multi-scale cross-correlation characteristics of void fraction wave propagation for gas-liquid two-phase flows in small diameter pipe, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 65 (2016).

(27) L.-S. Zhai, P. Bian, Y.-F. Han, Z.-K. Gao, N.-D. Jin, The measurement of gas–liquid two-phase flows in a small diameter pipe using a dual-sensor multi-electrode conductance probe, Measurement Science and Technology, 27 (2016) 045101.

(28) L.-S. Zhai, N.-D. Jin, X.-K. Zheng, R.-H. Xie, X.-B. Liu, The analysis and modelling of measuring data acquired by using combination production logging tool in horizontal simulation well, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 55 (2012) 1411-1421.

(29) L.-S. Zhai, N.-D. Jin, Z.-K. Gao, P. Chen, H. Chi, Gas-liquid two phase flow pattern evolution characteristics based on detrended fluctuation analysis, MAPAN, 26 (2011) 255-265.

(30) L. Zhai, N. Jin, Z. Gao, X. Huang, The Finite Element Analysis for Parallel-wire Capacitance Probe in Small Diameter Two-phase Flow Pipe, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21 (2013) 813-819.

(31) L. Zhai, N. Jin, Z. Gao, Z. Wang, Liquid holdup measurement with double helix capacitance sensor in horizontal oil–water two-phase flow pipes, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23 (2015) 268-275.

(32) L.S. Zhai, N.D. Jin, Z.K. Gao, A. Zhao, L. Zhu, Cross-correlation velocity measurement of horizontal oil–water two-phase flow by using parallel–wire capacitance probe, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 53 (2014) 277-289.

(33) L.-S. Zhai, N.-D. Jin, Z.-K. Gao, Z.-Y. Wang, D.-M. Li, The ultrasonic measurement of high water volume fraction in dispersed oil-in-water flows, Chemical Engineering Science, 94 (2013) 271-283.

(34) Q.-Y. Yang, N.-D. Jin, L.-S. Zhai, Y.-Y. Ren, C. Yu, J.-D. Wei, Measurement of Water Velocity in Gas–Water Two-Phase Flow with the Combination of Electromagnetic Flowmeter and Conductance Sensor, Sensors, 20 (2020) 3122.

(35) Q.Y. Yang, N.D. Jin, L.S. Zhai, D.Y. Wang, F. Wang, Experimental study of slug and churn flows in a vertical pipe using plug-in optical fiber and conductance sensors, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 107 (2019) 16-28.

(36) D. Wang, N. Jin, L. Zhai, Y. Ren, Characterizing flow instability in oil-gas-water three-phase flow using multi-channel conductance sensor signals, Chemical Engineering Journal, (2019).

(37) D. Wang, N. Jin, L. Zhai, Y. Ren, Measurement of Oil-Gas-Water Mixture Velocity Using a Conductance Cross-Correlation Flowmeter With Center Body in Small Pipe, IEEE Sensors Journal, 19 (2019) 4471-4479.

(38) Y.-F. Han, N.-D. Jin, L.-S. Zhai, Y.-Y. Ren, Y.-S. He, An investigation of oil–water two-phase flow instability using multivariate multi-scale weighted permutation entropy, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 518 (2019) 131-144.

(39) J. Wei, N. Jin, E. Lian, D. Wang, Y. Han, L. Zhai, Measurement of Water Holdup in Oil-in-Water Flows Using Three-Channel Conductance Probe With Center Body, IEEE Sensors Journal, 18 (2018) 2845-2852.

(40) D.-Y. Wang, N.-D. Jin, L.-S. Zhai, Y.-Y. Ren, A novel online technique for water conductivity detection of vertical upward oil–gas–water pipe flow using conductance method, Measurement Science and Technology, 29 (2018) 105302.

(41) D.Y. Wang, N.D. Jin, L.X. Zhuang, L.S. Zhai, Y.Y. Ren, Development of a rotating electric field conductance sensor for measurement of water holdup in vertical oil–gas–water flows, Measurement Science & Technology, 29 (2018) 075301.

(42) Y.-F. Han, N.-D. Jin, L.-S. Zhai, Y.-Y. Ren, Experimental study of interaction between liquid droplets in oil-in-water emulsions using multivariate time series analysis, Chemical Engineering Science, 192 (2018) 526-540.

(43) Y.F. Han, N.D. Jin, L.S. Zhai, H.X. Zhang, Y.Y. Ren, Flow pattern and holdup phenomena of low velocity oil-water flows in a vertical upward small diameter pipe, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 159 (2017) 387-408.

(44) L.-X. Zhuang, N.-D. Jin, A. Zhao, Z.-K. Gao, L.-S. Zhai, Y. Tang, Nonlinear multi-scale dynamic stability of oil–gas–water three-phase flow in vertical upward pipe, Chemical Engineering Journal, 302 (2016) 595-608.

(45) A. Zhao, Y.-F. Han, Y.-Y. Ren, L.-S. Zhai, N.-D. Jin, Ultrasonic method for measuring water holdup of low velocity and high-water-cut oil-water two-phase flow, Applied Geophysics, 13 (2016) 179-193.

(46) Z. Gong, A. Zhao, L.-S. Zhai, Y.-Y. Ren, N.-D. Jin, Ultrasonic method for measuring the gas holdup of gas-liquid bubbly flow in a small-diameter pipe, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 33 (2016) 1170-1180.

(47) Z.-K. Gao, Y.-X. Yang, L.-S. Zhai, M.-S. Ding, N.-D. Jin, Characterizing slug to churn flow transition by using multivariate pseudo Wigner distribution and multivariate multiscale entropy, Chemical Engineering Journal, 291 (2016) 74-81.

(48) Z.-K. Gao, Y.-X. Yang, L.-S. Zhai, W.-D. Dang, J.-L. Yu, N.-D. Jin, Multivariate multiscale complex network analysis of vertical upward oil-water two-phase flow in a small diameter pipe, Scientific reports, 6 (2016) 20052.

(49) Z. Gao, Y. Yang, L. Zhai, N. Jin, G. Chen, A Four-Sector Conductance Method for Measuring and Characterizing Low-Velocity Oil Water Two-Phase Flows, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 65 (2016) 1690-1697.

(50) X. Chen, N.-D. Jin, A. Zhao, Z.-K. Gao, L.-S. Zhai, B. Sun, The experimental signals analysis for bubbly oil-in-water flow using multi-scale weighted-permutation entropy, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 417 (2015) 230-244.

(51) A. Zhao, N. Jin, L. Zhai, Z. Gao, Liquid holdup measurement in horizontal oil–water two-phase flow by using concave capacitance sensor, Measurement, 49 (2014) 153-163.

(52) Q.-Y. Hao, N.-D. Jin, Y.-F. Han, Z.-K. Gao, L.-S. Zhai, Multi-Scale Time Asymmetry for Detecting the Breakage of Slug Flow Structure, Chinese Physics Letters, 31 (2014) 120501.

(53) X.-W. Zhang, N.-D. Jin, Z.-K. Gao, L.-S. Zhai, Local Property of Recurrence Network for Investigating Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Characteristics, Chinese Physics Letters, 30 (2013) 050501.

(54) 高忠科,金宁德,杨丹,翟路生,杜萌,多元时间序列复杂网络流型动力学分析,物理学报,61 (2012) 120510-120510.

(55) M. Du, N.-D. Jin, Z.-K. Gao, Z.-Y. Wang, L.-S. Zhai, Flow pattern and water holdup measurements of vertical upward oil–water two-phase flow in small diameter pipes, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 41 (2012) 91-105.



(1) 两相流流体取样器,发明专利,专利号:201410314787.9(第一发明人)

(2) 一种油滴尺寸测量方法,发明专利,专利号:201410315383.1(第一发明人)

(3) 两相流环形空间集总传感系统关键部件的尺寸优化方法,专利号:201410323820.4(第一发明人)

(4) 基于NI数据采集卡的两相流网格传感器测量方法,发明专利,申请号:201510394936.1(第一发明人)

(5) 基于双流体截面灵敏度分布的电导探针关键部件尺寸优化方法,发明专利,专利号:201510801601.7(第一发明人)

(6) 一种用于两相流流动参数测量的环形空间双传感电导探针,发明专利,申请号:201510801943.9(第一发明人)

(7) 一种用于两相流分层界面形态测量的平行线阵列传感系统,发明专利,申请号:201710350929.0(第一发明人)

(8) 一种两相流分层界面几何形状测量方法,发明专利,申请号:201710347927.6(第一发明人)

(9) 一种基于动态接触角的水平油水两相流压降预测,发明专利,申请号:201811544692.0(第一发明人)

(10) 一种基于差分测量模式的两相流网格传感器可视化方法,发明专利,申请号:202010023570.8(第一发明人)

(11) 一种基于相空间拓扑因果的两相流瞬时分相持率预测方法,发明专利,申请号:202010038586.6(第一发明人)


(1) 本科生课程:电磁场

(2) 硕士生课程:多相流传感技术与流体流动


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